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lyme? strep? opinions, thanks!

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looking for opinions, thanks!
my son (5 years old) hasn't had any lyme symptoms for 6 weeks! (Thank God!) Prior to these 6 weeks, he'd been doing really well too, with just minor joint pain about 4-5 days/month is all (for several months). (he was dx and started tx for lyme last winter, Feb. 2014) So, as the weeks go on with no symptoms, I've been holding my breath, and hoping/praying for the best.
This morning though he told me that his eyes are bothering him, wanting to blink heavy. He's had blinking and other tics off an on in the past (last time was Oct.-Dec. this last year, but nothing since then. And, also this morning he told me his tummy hurt.
Strep was going around his class last week. The health aide at school emailed all the preK parents saying, strep was in the class and not with typical symptoms, but with tummy aches and mild sore throats.
In 2014, he had labs done and his strep titers were very low, very normal. So, strep wasn't contributing to symptoms last year, when he was very symptomatic, but maybe now after last week at school?
here's my question: since he hasn't had any lyme symptoms for 6 weeks (and they were joint pain) and since strep was in his class (exposure to symptoms time is 2-5 days, which fits) do you think the eyes bothering him/blinking, and the tummy ache are strep? or lyme? I guess time will tell.
oh, also: I think his ticcing in the past was also yeast related, and I've been slacking off on our anti-yeast diet and lots of coconut, etc.
Who knows really. But if you have any thoughts, I'm interested in hearing them! Thanks so much!

Edited by stacestar
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a few moms on another site that I asked about this too, said maybe the eyes might be related to histamines from seasonal allergies. That's something for me to look into. The two other times ticcing started for him was Oct. 2013, and then one year later Oct. 2014. I do really think other things were involved (lyme, yeast most likely), but perhaps for him seasonal allergies are playing a part too, and tipping the scale? hmm.

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I am new to this PANDAS journey but one of my daughter's dr said that even though strep appears to be her trigger (even with low titers, just based on amoxicillan eliminating all symptoms) that other things could still trigger flares. So yes, I would think strep could trigger the eye blinking. We had a couple minor flares last week and I am blaming the massive amount of pollen out there. From my understanding other stressors can cause flares other than the original trigger.

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thanks kmacdonald34 for your reply. I think that makes sense too.

The good news is he hasn't ticced with blinking this time (or with anything else) and I'm going to think positive that he won't start. The heavy, blinky "feeling" obviously isn't normal (even if not ticcing) and must be being caused by something of course. perhaps it is pollen? perhaps infection; I don't know. so much involved in the body.

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