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I got a call last night as I was on my way to pick up the kids from day care from the father of my son's favorite friend. His wife is 9 months pregnant, and has had complications - she could go any day now - so I thought he was calling with news or to ask a favor cause she was in labor.


Nope - apparently she was feeling very well, and they wanted to have an impromptu birthday party for their son and daughter (both had birthdays this week, but they didn't do anything b/c of his wife's condition) so they were pulling together some friends to go to Chuck E Cheese for the evening.


I wasn't so sure this was a good idea - we've been doing better and better - but that place, with the noise, distractions - and even worse: lots of strange children might not be the best idea. Unfortunately, my mind was made up by my 4 year old who heard from her friend that we were all going to Chuck E Cheese!!! Since she said this in front of my son - who of course wanted to go - I was roped in. I figured at the first sign of trouble we'd be out of there.


I was AMAZED!!!! For the first time in months, he was a normal little boy! He played lots of games, went on a bunch of rides. He covered his ears at first when the show started, but with very little reassurance, he was soon dancing up front with the rest of the kids. He wouldn't go up into the big climbing thing - but he didn't have any sort of fit about it. (He usually wants to go in it, but "can't" for some reason known only to him so he flips out)


He was doing so well and having so much fun I even let them stay with the rest of the kids past their bedtime. I didn't have the heart to take him out of there when for the first time, in a long time it seems, he was just being a normal kid!


My husband is out of town, and when I called him so the kids could say goodnight, my son was talking a mile a minute telling him about all of the fun things he did at Chuck E Cheese. When he asked me how "that all went" and I told him - we both just burst into tears!


I used to think that Chuck E Cheese was the 7th circle of ###### - I may think differently after last night...


Airial95- Just wanted to say how happy I am for you! The little things mean everything when you are dealing with this disease. My son (6) came home from school yesterday and said he'd gone to the nurse during the day...my heart just stopped. I asked why and he said that he'd bumped heads with a little girl in gym class and they both got sent to the nurse to be checked out. All I could think was...'Whooo Hooo - bump on the head!'. That's pretty normal boy stuff! Anyway...I'm always happy to hear a good story and hope things continue to go well for your family!


PS - I still consider Chuck E Cheese the seventh circle of ****!




as for Cucke E Cheese....I admit we still go there maybe 2-3 times a year. I just make sure they use hand wipes the second we leave:)


McDonald's play land...never again. That place is so filthy. I can just imagive the strep bacteria lingering in those crawling tunnels and stuff!

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