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My nerves are shredded after this summer. After over six years of dealing with my DS and his now confirmed PANDAS, I think my body is giving out. How do you get out of the fight or flight mode? We are only five weeks out from our first (and hopefully only) IVIg. My son is much better in many ways-no suicidal thoughts, less anxiety, and no physical harming. But, I just about jump out of my skin when I hear him use a certain tone of voice or he starts stomping around like a bull elephant. He usually resolves things on his own very quickly now, but I am a mess waiting for the other shoe to drop. Also, I think the anxiety of will the IVIg work or won't it is starting to wear on me. Lastly, we are still waiting on the insurance company to decide, so we had to put the medication on our credit card.


My husband is a great guy, but is a workaholic, usally 14 hour days. I try not to complain because that is paying for all of this! I just wish there was someone to hand over all this responsibility/research/worry/etc.


Good news did come though-our appointment with the LLMD has been moved up to the 23rd at 6:00 am. That is not a typo: 6:00am. Hopefully, we will get the last pieces of our particular puzzle.


Thank you for letting me vent on this forum. I know there are stories that are more severe than ours, but this is the one I am living.


I do the same thing with my dd8's tone of voice. It really sets me on edge waiting for the rest of it to come on. I am glad your ds is doing better, I hope he continues to heal and insurance pays for the IVIG and that you get a break!




You're working just as hard too ;) I'm glad it sounds like you're seeing improvement. if you can, when those warning signs come on, just take a deep breath and leave the room if you can or mutter you have to do laundry and leave the room. The point is, if it's going to drive you up the wall, you don't want anything to slip and ever say anything you'll regret (even a "Come on!" can be read into so much by a child). It's best to just walk away for a few minutes.

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