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They said you do not have to be off of them for the Western Blot or co-infection tests - only the ones with the PCR panel.




I didn't know about the antibiotics. Do you have to be off of them for the other tests also?



It is possible to pick up lyme or similar infection in any state -- but certainly more prevalent in certain places.

I think for any serious neuro-psych symptoms, Igenex testing should absolutely be done.


I don't know your sons symptoms, but if your son primarily has tics, with no other symptoms or illnesses, have you considered that it may be due to allergies -- food or environmental triggers?




We are in Southern California, but frequently vacation (especially in the summer) in Arkansas and Philadelphia/NJ and Florida (scattered grandparents).


I have been bitten by ticks in Little Rock, but have not gotten infected, as far as I know.


My DS9 PANDAS is primarily tics. It has been going on for 5 years.


Do you think Lyme testing makes sense?







We've tried lots over the years. Nothing makes much difference.


He has cam Kinase of 139 and anti Dopamine 2 levels of 32000 -- so I think he's definitely in the PANDAS camp.


Just looking for other things that might also help.





It is possible to pick up lyme or similar infection in any state -- but certainly more prevalent in certain places.

I think for any serious neuro-psych symptoms, Igenex testing should absolutely be done.


I don't know your sons symptoms, but if your son primarily has tics, with no other symptoms or illnesses, have you considered that it may be due to allergies -- food or environmental triggers?




We are in Southern California, but frequently vacation (especially in the summer) in Arkansas and Philadelphia/NJ and Florida (scattered grandparents).


I have been bitten by ticks in Little Rock, but have not gotten infected, as far as I know.


My DS9 PANDAS is primarily tics. It has been going on for 5 years.


Do you think Lyme testing makes sense?






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