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Amino Acids


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I was looking over test results and found that an amino acid test was done on me 12 years ago. Out of 43 amino acids tested for I was low in 14 and high in 1. The ones I was low in were: Histidine, Carnosine, Hydroxylysines, Lysine, A-Aminoadipic Acid, Leucine, B-Aminoisobutyric Acid, Alanine, Tyrosine, Tryptophan, Glycine, Creatinine, Glutamic Acid, Glutamine. I was high in I-Methylhistidine.


For those that have been tested for amino acids before what were the results? Is this a lot of amino acids to be deficient in? Also does anyone know anything about these that I was deficient in?



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I know that if you either eat too little protein, or don't digest it properly, then your amino acids can be deficient.


If you already eat plenty of protein, you might consider supplementing with the enzymes for proteins (Houston Nutriceuticals and Klaire or Kirkman) and see how you feel there.


If you don't eat enough protein, I would work on that issue. Given your food allergies, you probably do have digestive issues.



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