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Suzan - Yes, I am gluten free but I don't have Celiac's. I'm hoping to see a gastroentonolgist soon. In all honesty my abdominal pain symptoms sound a bit like Chron's but I'm hoping for something less severe.

& all of those symptoms are really, really widespread. A lot of them apply to me but a lot of them don't at the same time. Is there a test for Candida??


You can get a test here...




This is for the stool test but you can also look at the OAT test that tests for yeast too. Your doctor can do a test for yeast too, I think, but it is not a common practice.




Yes, and for those who don't know, any health professional can sign off on the request for this test, not just an MD. For me, it was easier to get my chiropractor to request the great plains tests that I wanted than to make an MD appointment. It may depend on the state, though. You can call great plains and ask.


Suzan - Yes, I am gluten free but I don't have Celiac's. I'm hoping to see a gastroentonolgist soon. In all honesty my abdominal pain symptoms sound a bit like Chron's but I'm hoping for something less severe.

& all of those symptoms are really, really widespread. A lot of them apply to me but a lot of them don't at the same time. Is there a test for Candida??


You can get a test here...




This is for the stool test but you can also look at the OAT test that tests for yeast too. Your doctor can do a test for yeast too, I think, but it is not a common practice.



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