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Posted (edited)

Okay Everyone....we do need to think of the possibility of not winning June and rolling over to July. :unsure: Of course, we don't want this to happen....keep pushing hard for June!!! But, it needs to be brought up now just in case.


Is there anyone out there who would be willing to lead the campaign in July?? I will help post on the Pepsi Page...and help send out reminders....but, there needs to be one person in charge of communicating with other causes and forming alliances. I did it in May....Vickie has done it in June. I will say it does take alot of time and effort....so, no surprises.

It is too much for one person to do it continually. If there is a volunteer out there, please let us know so Vickie can pass on some info. to you. IF we roll over, I would hate to see PANDAS just plummet down the tubes, but, I also understand how much time it takes and people are getting tired....especially those of us with many votes to cast.


I am interested in hearing opinions on what to do with July IF we go there! (but, continue to do everything you can to NOT go there!) :)



Thanks! Please chime in! Let me know if you all even want to continue IF we roll over to July!!

Edited by P.Mom

I think folks (such as myself) are hoping that we get there in June and focusing on that.... not meaning to ignore your request at all. I am amazed at the amount of work you all have put into the Pepsi Refresh project and I truly do not know if I would be able to take on such a project.


Perhaps you could tell us a bit more about what the coordination entails -


Perhaps you could get more than one person interested and they could divide the work?


There is no way I could dedicate the amount of time necessary as a single, working, stressed out mom. Hats of totally you and Vickie and anyone else putting so much time into this. It is really super great and so impressive.... but I am not able to do much more than I am doing now with my voting and trying to get those around me to vote. I feel bad about that but it's the way of my life right now.


I really hope we win in June so it won't be an issue.



Posted (edited)

I will be honest. I spend hours a day working on this. But someone may think of a much easier way than I did. I work on the morning post the night before. I post the morning list on fb around 7am ET and then I post the days' list on here. I look at rankings of our close causes that support us along with a few others I keep tabs on. I field emails that causes send me, that can average 20+ a day sometimes. I get emails throughout the day. Karen has taken on the job of comments but I do comment too on occassion depending on what the status of causes are. I also write down the rankings of all causes we are voting for. After lunch, I post another fb status update, an informational one about PANDAS the disorder, not the Pepsi contest. I occassionally pop on here to see if anyone has questions. I do my voting then I try to post our cause on at least 5 places a day. After dinner, I post the night's voting list on fb, around 5:30 pm ET. Then once again, I look at my list, read the comments on the Pepsi Page and cross reference them with whom we have been voting for. If we do not have an agreement of "no comment" I need to see if they were on our pepsi page. That's the only way I can track it. Some causes I email nightly in lieu of comments on their pepsi page. I try before bed, around 11pm, to write a final status on the fb page. I also watch who our new fans are on fb to see what other pepsi casues have joined it to keep tabs on us.


Now, I admit, there are some casues that do not do nice things, but hopefully you will other cause to back you up. You may have to call a cause too, on the phone, if they request it.


For July, if we do not win June, we need some new alliances since many will be winning. This is also why we needed to bring up June now. Because we have a good chance in winning, I am putting off making new agreements until see know the outcome of June. So...if by chance we lose, On July 1 , we need to scurry for agreements. I'm sure those who roll over with us will keep us on, but we need to fill the holes. The new people will be the ones to make these new agreements.


I believe one spot in 50K will already be filled in July for winning, maybe there's 2. I don't know what other causes will be strong contenders.


I do have everything pretty well organized. I would have to update a few things. I could forward everything to the person and talk on the phone for overview. Some causes do have teams and such so the jobs could, in theory, be split up. For me, I just found it "easier" to do it myself as I was able to make split second decisions and I had a lot organized in my mind like a puzzle.


In we do not win June, I need to just step away from this. I will vote, but that is it. If you have questions, I will of course answer them. I need to detox my brain from everything that has happened and I need to spend time with my family. I spent 2 months doing this and one was summer vacation with 3 kids running around the house. It's tiring. There has been A LOT of drama this month with the pepsi Refresh Project (with some causes) and it actually affects you emotionally. I've spoken to other causes and they agree that they have felt the same.

Edited by Vickie

I am in awe of the effort vickie and others have put in. As a working mom with a child in full "swing" it's tough for me to commit what they have, but I am more than willing to be part of a team if we could find a way to split it up?

Posted (edited)

I modified this post so that Vickie and Kelly's strategy would not be given away! But... we do need people to help for July if (by chance) we do not make it in June. Here are a list of potential jobs. Let Vickie know if you are interested.







Edited by kimballot
Posted (edited)

You may have this on here but someone needs to post an evening list on fb. Also, someone needs to be in charge of establishing alliances. That ,ideally, would be the one who would then keep in contact with them as you establish a trust right off the bat. In my opinion, I would think that's easier if one person makes the agreements, but all can have suggestions.


I would elect someone to be charge of scoping out new possible agreements (newbies in July).


Now, a lot would need to be done on July 1 or very soon in that first few days.


Perhaps a "promotion manager" would be useful as well.


Whomever takes this on can organized it how they want. I have everything in Microsoft Works but can change the formatting if needed.


Again, hopefully we will win June!!!! But anything can happen and we need to be prepared with a plan in place so we don't lose valuable time.

Edited by Vickie
Posted (edited)

To All.....


Vickie and I tried to work together on the project the first month...but, it didn't work out. Too many ideas/connections going in different directions, so, we decided I would do the alliances, and she and I would split up updating the Pepsi Page/Forum. That way worked much better for us. This month, she is doing the alliances and doing the majority of the Pepsi Page updates as well....I pop in here and there on the page and the forum. I agree with her when she says to keep it one person doing the communicating with causes.......BUT, if there are a couple of you who think you can split this thing up....go for it. It really is hard for one person, even though it worked best that way for Vickie and I. Different people can provide a different spin on things........




Oh, and ABSOLUTELY....if you have a child in the thick of things.....don't even consider it! We all understand you can't do much of anything when your child is in episode.

Edited by P.Mom

I can't believe I'm going to say this (don't tell my husband), but I would be willing to split the job with one or two (or 3 or 4) other people...




If we really think we can hit $50k by getting everyone to pitch in, I would also be willing to donate instead (I'll even up it to $100 to avoid having to do this next month!!).



Maybe I have the courage to make these offers because I am pretty confident we can stay in the top 10 this month! Go Team!!!!!

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