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My sons diagnosis


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Hi everyone. We bought Peter in for his neuro appointment yesterday (finally!!) and he has "transient tic syndrome". Its the mildest form of Tourette's tics, but if his tics continue for more than a year, he needs to be rediagnosed. I was curious to know how many people have formerly been diagnosed with this, but then rediagnosed with something else if their tics continued.


He originally started having tics like crazy about a month ago, when kindergarten started, but it seems they have gone away (but not for good) since he's gotten into more of a school routine. The doctor says they usually come out from stress and fatigue.


Just wondering if this is a diagnosis made because its too soon to see if its something more, kwim??





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Transient tics isn't a form of Tourette's, it is a different tic condition on the spectrum. It is the mildest form of tic syndromes, not TS.


Good for your child, I am so glad he is doing better. Did they completely resolve on their own, ie you didn't do any intervention?


No one can say the future for sure, just keep in mind that 20% of children (about 30% of boys) get transient tics, and only 1% get TS. So the odds are terrific that your son will just have transient tics. There is no point in worrying about this--his odds of getting TS aren't much different than a child with no tics.


Good luck, you must be relieved!



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Take one day at a time. From my readings, transient tics can come back for a short duration but then they leave forever on their own. I am glad to hear that the tics have for the most part ceased and that your doctor feels that they are transient. Sounds like things are starting to go your family's way:)

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