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A little help?

Guest Belly

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I'm just trying to find out if a friend of mine has OCD, or something else like ADHD, or whether shes just a bit obsessive. She seems to get obssessed with weird things like people, but its not just a casual liking its an all out all day all night, its all she talks about or even thinks about. She said to me that when she has these "episodes" its like she physically cant stop thinking about it, its always going round in her head and so she has to study it constantly. She tried to explain it to me:


Its like when you've got a bar of chocolate at home and you wait all day thinking about it because you know its there, then when you get home you eat it really quickly because you want more even while your eating it.


I don't know if that makes sense to you but she says like it feels she has no control. The difference I can see from OCD is that the thoughts arent distressing, they make her happy and thats why she does it. But when she hits the peak she says she hates the loss of control and the total inability to complete the "task".


Is this OCD or OCD related, or is she just a bit odd <_<

Thankyou so much

From Belly


p.s she also makes lists all the time about things she needs to do, its not about getting things done because things appear on multiple lists, she has a whole notebook just for writing lists in. She also chews pens until the lids split completely,

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im no doctor but i suffer from OCD myself and i have to say that your friend has some symptoms specialy when you say that she cant stop thinking about something


many discribe OCD as brain hiccups the brain gets stuck on a particular thought or urge and just cant let go


another thing is the lists that she makes


some OCD patients tend to organize everything


but hey im no expert all i know is from personal experience but if you say that those symptoms dont disturb her thats good


OCD can be a very painfully thing

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