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Test results from Pfeiffer

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Guest Guest_NancyE

I finally got the test results from Pfeiffer for my son. I have an appointment for next week to discuss them indepth and ask all my questions, but I wanted to briefly update those who are interested.


The main problems were zinc deficiency and elevated histamine, which translates to undermethylation. He does not have pyroluria. I have lots of questions about the specific test results because I don't understand what they all mean, but the main problems listed make sense to me. The undermethylation corresponds with OCD behavior, perfectionism, and competitiveness, all of which fit.


I read a lot about this when reading about the MT proteins Dr. Walsh has researched, and it does make sense. I'm really hopeful that with the right treatment we'll see a good improvement. We were actually giving him a lot of the right supplements, but some will need to be increased, a few dropped, and a few added. I have some questions for them about the treatment plan, so I'll go into more detail when I better understand the reasons behind some of the supplements.


Just thought I'd let you know what I found out so far.


Thanks Nancy!


This is very interesting. Did they test for mercury or other metals? Was his copper high also? Did they only find 2 things that were off? (zinc and undermethylation).


I am really curious what they do for undermethylation. Do they have an actual supplement for that? If you are hesitant to post them, can you send me a private message on the supplements for it? I never treat without taking the test (e.g. our vitamin plan is based on known deficiencies and the pyroluria), and we are going to their outreach clinic in October. I just never saw anything on his site for treating undermethylation. Just that under/over methylation definitely affected the treatment plan. In fact, it is important to know which the child is (if any) as the treatment is quite different.


I have the booklet and the tape now on MT promotion. It sounds like Pfeiffer has its own formulation for treatment for stage 2, and one that wouldn't just be modeled easily.


With the pyroluria, we are effectively doing stage 1 though.






Since I haven't discussed the results with the nurse yet, I'm not entirely sure what everything means. However, just from reading it, it looks to me like his mercury was not high (this was hair analysis), but his copper was. From what I understand, the high copper/low zinc go hand in hand. He also looks to be high in aluminum. Again, they tested for lots of other things, which I will discuss with the nurse on Monday.


The suggested treatment includes Vitamins C, A, and E, calcium/magnesium, B6 (pyridoxine), Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate, Methyl B12 sublingual, zinc, B complex. I'm not very familiar with the P5P and methyl B12, so I need to ask about that. I haven't looked it up yet.


The literature from them indicates that methionine (a methyl donor) is used to treat undermethylation, but I don't see that prescribed for my son. I assume the B12 is serving as a methyl donor, so I don't know if either can be used or if it's a two-step process. That's one of my big questions.


I can go into better detail after I talk to the nurse. I'll keep you posted.




So glad to read your post. As a parent you probably feel a sense of relief that your child's test results reflected the issues Pfeiffer talks about. If you feel comfortable I would be very interested in hearing more of the specifics when you have your next appointment.


Also, give yourself a big pat on the back for allready being on such a good supplement routine!!


Hope from here on out it is just a matter of fine tuning and that you get some awesome results!!!



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