Andy Posted September 12, 2004 Report Posted September 12, 2004 The food bills were the highest in the begining but once we got the diet/menu worked out they were still on the expensive side but were affordable. As for results, they show more and more everyday as time goes on. My boy started showing impovement in a couple of weeks but that improvement in behavior only grew as he was spoken to/punished less and as his friends and friendly encounters grew. It went from where we were concerned to take him places for we did not know how he would behave to where the good kid was not only a good kid but a predicable sweet kid. Again the then food was not being digested properly and was like a posion to him. He is now one of the most popular kids in his kindergarten class and my relationship with him improved so much. As for reading the results, what it says is what it says and I found it to be real. Of course one can not cheat with the elimination diet for once again it is like a posion for the child as bad drugs are for an adult. However, with the elimination diet his behavior became predictable and with the amino acid, minerals, vitamins and pro -stomach bacteria being added there was a big reduction in the tics. My wife wants to get him re-tested but I rather have him tested for metals. I feel mercury from vacination shots might have caused this and then we are looking for a longer recovery period then but also at a clear end with natural treatment. As for his tolerance levels, they seemed to have improved with rice where we now have him drink an almond drink mixed with supplements that contains brown rice. However, I am not ready to try a bowl of rice on him. I do not know what you can or can not afford and love has no price but then again no matter how much I love my son there are things that I can not afford. So what I am saying is if you could work it out in your budget, do it for it works. We also found that air-filters help and so does limiting T.V to no more the 1/2 hr a day and sometimes no T.V for a week at a time. Its alot but my son's friends and their parents have no idea that he has had a tic problem and the few he still shows is not picked up and recognized by those who have not seen them at full blown. Once again, no one in either my wife's or my family has had this issue, so we are not looking at this as an inherted condition and follow that path but rather a health issue of our son's body being damaged and now has to be repaired at the same time as being treated. If you want, you can have your husband e-mail me and I would find the time to talk on the phone if he wishes. Once again, I am not a doctor. I am not a salesman. I am however, a Special Eductation Teacher who always saw more improvement with natural measures then medication with my students over the years which is why I researched this path when my own son got sick.
Guest Jeff Posted September 13, 2004 Report Posted September 13, 2004 Susanna, I haven't had to go as far as you with the elimination of so many foods; however, there are many people who have. I recommend that you become a member of the Feingold organization. The Member's Bulletin Board is a very active support group of people who are very knowledgeable about eliminating all of the things you mentioned. They have compiled shopping lists, recipes, etc, and share very willingly. In order to get access to the BB, you need to become a member. First year is about $75; susequent years are about $40. They are a non-profit group run mostly by volunteers, and you can find them at Good luck. I know it will seem overwhelming at first, but it does get easier. And for many, the results are unbelievable. Jeff
Guest Susanna Posted September 13, 2004 Report Posted September 13, 2004 Andy I am so glad to hear of the amazing change in your son as a result of the elimination diet and supps. Thank you also for the offer to communicate with my husband. He's actually not giving me a hard time, just questioning my sanity, and is going along with this. I'm hoping in a few weeks we'll start to see the benefits of the food elimination ourselves. Jeff I've been thinking about joining Feingold for a while now....I spend so much time shopping because of all the labels I read. I think I've done a decent job of eliminating most of the artificial struff on my own but it sure would help to have that list and access to all the rest. I am so proud of my son today. He packed his lunch (although he didn't eat it all) Today was also a classmate's birthday celebration in school and they had cupcakes. He told the teacher he couldnt't have one because he was sensitive to them. She asked him if he could have cookies instead and he said No Thank You. I think that was absolutely wonderful that this early on in this new way of eating he had the strength to turn down the goodies. My son is the king of goodies...he has more willpower than I do. I obviously didn't know that this was happening today or I would have send in an appropriate treat for him. I plan on discussing this situation with his teacher so that I can send something in for him next time and he won;t feel left out. But I am SO proud of him (and of course I told him so)
Guest bean Posted September 18, 2004 Report Posted September 18, 2004 Susanna, My daughter who just turned 7 and just started her diet three weeks ago also has 14 sensitivities almost identical to your sons. It has been very challenging and I also thought my daughter would not eat. Today she went to a birthday party where they served pizza and cake. I packed a lunch and sent a brownie I made using Pamela's mix from Whole Foods.She was fine. I wasted a lot of money at first not reading labels as carefully as I should have.Soy is in everything! Soy lecithin according to the lab and our doctor is ok. We could not do rice milk or Rice Dreams Ice Cream(all of which I bought) because they contain saffflower oil which she also can not have.Safflower oil also shows up in everything. She is drinking almond milk and is fine with it. We finally found a brand of ice cream called Sweet Nothings which is dairy, soy,safflower free for her.I also found Rice Milk chocolate bars at Trader Joes. My daughter who had not eaten meat since she was about a year has eaten tri-tip, lamb, hamburger,and brisket. If I didn't witness it myself I wouldn't believe it. This is a child who only ate cheese, yogurt,pasta,and chicken fingers. She would never try anything new. She is highly motivated to be rid of her tics and I am truly amazed at the strength and commitment of a 7 year old. We are seeing some improvement although it's still too early to say if this is the answer. It is well worth the try though. Sorry for rambling on but I hope this is of some benefit to you and I wish you luck. bean
Guest Susanna Posted September 18, 2004 Report Posted September 18, 2004 Bean It is always encouraging to hear others having success. This week hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be which is very surprising to me. I do need to spend this weekend trying out some recipes and trying to find alternatives to his favorites as the breakfast and lunch menu has been somewhat limited this week. What works for you? I also realized that the Spelt tortillas I found (and which he of course loves) may not be acceptable as they are somehow wheat related....anyone have any info or experience with this? Is Spelt ok with a wheat sensitivity? The biggest change we noticed is that our son who is usually a manic snacker has not been snacking as much. Part of it may be that his snacking options are limited, but I would have thought he would have complained about that and he really hasn't. He does however want me to find an ice cream alternative....he tried the Rice Dream ice cream again and he really doesn't like it....I'll keep an eye out for the one you suggested. I also spoke wit his teacher earlier this week, explained what was going on and gave her a stash of acceptable snacks for my son so that when she gave the other kids snacks Matthew would not feel left out and that has really helped as well. The other big thing we noticed is that our son now goes to bed in his own light or anything needed except an open door. This is a child that has slept in my bed since he was an infant and would always give me a fight if I tried to get him to sleep in his own room. Don't know if he's now sleeping on his own because we told him that was what was going to happen with the start of first grade and I've been sticking to my guns, and/or if the dietary change has been making him more agreeable, although he still has his rages every now and then. Whatever it is I see it as progress. I wish you continued success Bean!
Claire Posted September 18, 2004 Report Posted September 18, 2004 Susanna, Did you ever read the fears thread? Several parents noticed the same changed with their child's sleeping as they did these treatments, including diet changes. Claire
Andy Posted September 19, 2004 Report Posted September 19, 2004 Claire, you so right about the sleep patterns improving. I noticed that in my son as well. In the past he would lay for hours staring away and not falling asleep and this would be after being out and about all day. That occurs no more and even if he wakes up at night and climbs into our bed, he no longer tosses and turns all over the place. Just gives hugs and sleeps with a smile on his face. Susanna, I am also happy for you that your son is buying into the program and I wish you the same success that we have with the diet changes, vitamins, amino acids, and mineral supplements. The snack thing in school drives me crazy. I remember when snack was an apple now its a ten colored, four different kind of sugar thing. It's funny but one of the first things my son told me about kindergarten was the other 2 children who had to eat their own snacks too, ( The class takes turns bringing in snacks to share with the class, it's a county thing down here). For us one of the best snacks we found were Stretch Island fruit leather fruit snacks. They come in Organic Raspberry,Berry Blackberry, Apple, Strawberry, Tropical etc. and cost from 50 to 55 cents per snack and can be found in health food stores. They 100% fruit and nothing more and nothing less and makes the kid feel like he has something the other kids eat, however, he is eating the real thing. Metal testing. My wife and I are thinking about doing it and were going to take our child to another doctor who would do the test in Cape Coral but then the Hurricane thing came about. I was wondering if anyone could direct me to research articles or something like that, that I could read on in terms of treatments. We have the tics under control but I want to see if we can clean out the body.
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