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Vitamin recs for the mom who sent me email


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Since you wrote me privately, I won't post your info, but just answer your question on vitamins.


It sounds like you have already taken some great first steps, and even though they haven't shown results yet, I would stick with them until you try the other things--sometimes (in fact usually), it requires a combination of things.


The vitamin levels vary from child to child. We got a spectracell test done and customized the program. I don't usually post vitamin plans, so here is my disclaimer--like Chemar gives for hers: I am not a doctor and recommend that you go through a doctor on this list to come up with the best supplement plan for your son and have him monitored. The needs vary from child to child. Chemars son is older and thus heavier and thus I noticed his dosages are higher.




For the tics, I still recommend trying no screens (TV/computer/gameboy) for a week. It is your and his decision, but when they are actually interfering and causing discomfort, it may be worth the trial. It might provide relief while you look at other methods.


For 80 pounds, the vitamin levels depend on it he has pyroluria, then you need more zinc and B6. So I encourage you to do the at-home urine test--no doctor's signature required, you can order the test if you just give them your doctor's name. If you do this, please give no vitamins for 3 days prior to the test: Direct Healthcare access 847-222-9546


I have read that this is fine for long term, but you need to reach your own conclusions. Here are some of the vitamins and brands I like--but I am not tied to brands. We only do capsule--easier to swallow. Good to compare with Chemar's list--though this isn't for OCD at all, so we may have differences.


-- Nordic Naturals Pro-EPA Fish oil (not flax oil, boys don't derive the Omega 3's from it as well). This has a 5:1 EPA to DHA ratio, which I read is ideal (2 caps)

--Borage oil (more GLA than Primrose oil, but primrose oil is fine)

--Klaire Probiotics (with bifidis, acidophilis and bulgaris)

--Solaray Calcium Citrate with Vitamin D. 500 mg (2 caps of 125 each)

--Cardiovascular research Magnesium Taurate 250 mg (2 caps of 125 each)


--B6100 mg

--P5P 50 mg

--Chromium Citrate

--Iron (alt days--not with other minerals like Calcium)

--Twin Labs B complex (B1-Thiamine, B2 riboflavin, B3 niacinamide, B5 pantothenic acid, folate, Biotin, B12) 1 cap (2 is one adult dose)

--Deluxe Scavengers Antioxidants(must be ordered through a doctor

--L-Glutathione 100 mg

--Zinc 25 or Zinc picolinate 25 (I read zinc is best at bedtime)



Long term use of vitamins merits testing to see if they create other deficiencies


We also do:

1. gluten-free, casein-free, no corn,

2. no artificial additives/colors/preservatives/flavors.

3. Way reduced sugar, though small desserts weekly.

4. Screen viewing on LCD monitor only--and 'no flicker' games.


My son has no tics at all and hasn't for 10 months. However, he only tic'd from the CRT screens, so this is not a fair comment in some ways. This problem is not resolved yet. He also had other vitamin deficiencies which we were treating (all but magnesium and glutathione have been corrected), high mercury and elevated yeast, as did others here. The mercury is much better, the yeast is in progress.



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