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Allergy shots

Guest Guest_Lawsmith

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Guest Guest_Lawsmith

My son is 9 and has TS. He is allergic to 21 different enviromental allergens, covering all the seasons. Mold, dust mites, all trees, grass, weeds, etc. No food. His allergy symptoms are constant congestion and headache. His doctor suggested allergy shots since all the allergy meds we have tried increase his tics. I don't want to keep paying for prescriptions that he can't take due to bad reactions.


What was your experience with allergy shots. Did they decrease or increase tics or was there no difference. My sons tics increase when a new allergen is coming up, like now it's ragweed. This spring the trees, and grass made him tic alot and the doctor put him on a decongestant that made him have abdominal tics and head shaking severely. Never again will I put him through that. Nasal sprays make his tics worse too.


His tics are usually very mild. I am hoping they stay that way, and I think treating his allergies will help him to feel more comfortable, which always helps keep tics from increasing.


any feedback would help



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I recently had my child tested for allergies which resulted in moderate reactions (nothing was extremely high). We found some food and environmental allergies and are administering allergy shots. So far, I believe it is helping as I seldom notice any tics. We also administer supps (Zinc Plus by VitaLife which is a combination of vitamin C, Zinc and B6). I also limit sugar intake and television watching as I detected those are both triggers.


Another Mom

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