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More about our "screen" experiment

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Guest Guest_Jennifer

First, thanks again to everyone on this forum for being so nice and positive. I am such a novice at using the computer and with alot of the terminology used. Thanks for sharing with me and answering my questions.


Again, I am the new Jennifer. Claire had shared with me in June to try "no screens" and we did and it eliminated a painful neck tic for us. The rest of the summer it was no CRT screens for us and very little lcd. Even during the lcd screen we would see a few tics, not the nec one, surface. So when school started, I knew he would watch some tv. The first week he watched 30 min. shows on a crt screen and then on fri. and sat. we saw the neck tic-it wasn't back in full force -but it was there-8 or 10 times that i saw each day. So, the next week I talked to his teacher and she excused him from class if they watched anytthing, and we watched tv at home 30 min. a day on mon. wed. and fri. on an lcd screen. On fri. and sat. I saw the same tic again!


I am so glad to fiqure out what was causing this painful tic. But at the same time I was hoping the lcd screen would be a solution. As many of you know that are doing no screens, it is so hard to fill the day with fun activities.


I plan to call tomorrow and try the pyroluria testing. I know Claire had said you need a doctor's signature at one lab. Does it matter what kind of doctor?






Thanks for the feedback. Sorry about the LCD monitor, but it is important that you post this, so that others who try this will be aware that even an LCD may not be enough for them. efgh's son had problems even with LCD TV also, though it was a larger screen. Helen Irlen of Irlen syndrome said that for her patients with light sensitivity (it may or may not be in the same category), an LCD monitor still caused problems.


This is why I say to remove screens entirely first, then try to add the LCD monitor at little at a time. Because I assume that some people may also have issues with the LCD monitor. I think it generalises to a stronger light sensitivity.


I am sorry for your son's high sensitivity, but I still believe that some of these other solutions have potential to at least reduce the sensitivity--perhaps enough so that he can view an LCD monitor in the future.


If you will register at Latitudes, I will send you a private message on the pyroluria test. You know I recommend DHC lab. To answer your question directly, any doctor can do this.


Also, do check out either an inexpensive typewriter (Staples has them), or www.alphasmart.com, so that your son can maintain typing skills or turn in reports that must be typed. I would try the typewrite first (with NO little viewing screen) as even the alphasmart has a small LCD screen--though the smaller the screen the less of an impact.






Thank you for writing back. I did register as Jennifer M.-since there is another Jennifer. I appreciate your help. I have no resources where I live to tell me what to do next. I feel like when I tell people about the screens, they think I am crazy or they don't believe it.



Jennifer M.

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