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Guest Nancy



I was wondering if someone knows where I can find transdermal gluthathione? I have heard of it but am having trouble locating it.


Thank you.




Hi Nancy,


I will ask my doctor next time we see him (maybe too late for you). He said that if my son's antioxidant levels didn't move up next test, we would add the transdermal glutathione to his capsules.



Guest NancyE

Ooh, that's kind of strange. There must be a new Nancy posting (I'm the Nancy that's posted before - I'll use NancyE from now on to eliminate confusion!). Anyway, Nancy asked about something I just found out about in our visit to Pfeiffer. They said they preferred transdermal glutathione to the oral version because the oral version can make yeast problems worse. I'm afraid I don't know where to get it, though. I wonder if it's only by prescription?


I said I'd update you all on our visit. Our original appointment was pushed back, so we only went last Thursday. I won't have test results and a suggested treatment program for about 6 weeks. Overall, it went fine. My son was fine with it. They said he only had to be off of zinc for 24 hours before testing, which I found a little strange, so I took him off all his vitamins for about 2 days before we went. I was a little nervous that he might have a bad reaction, but strangely enough he actually seemed MORE relaxed and calmer than usual. Granted, I didn't "test" the situation by trying to see how he'd react when playing a game or something that usually sets him off, but he seemed more patient with his brother and relaxed in general.


Now I'm wondering if something he was taking was making him more irritable. In general, Pfeiffer agreed that what I'm giving him seems good and I should just continue it until we get the test results. They suspect pyroluria, and they're testing for metals too.


One thing I remember Chemar and others saying is that their children didn't react well to B complexes. Would you mind explaining that again? Do they have to take the B's separately? My son gets a multi that has the antioxidants and all the B's in it. Do you think that could be a problem? I was really tempted to leave him off the vitamins for a while, but we're going away soon and he'll be flying for the first time, so I don't really want to make drastic changes during this time. I started giving him his vitamins again. I did leave out the extra B1 and the inositol for a few days, but I'm noticing the same old impatient reactions coming back. I'm tempted to leave out the B complex, but I want him to get the antioxidants, so maybe I should look for a different combo just for that.


Of course, I have no proof that it's the vitamins - it was a short time and could have just been a coincidence that he didn't have any triggers to set him off, but it really makes me wonder. Any thoughts? Thanks!




NancyE (I thought Nancy was you!)


Thanks for the update. Well, maybe the oral glutathione is what made MY son's yeast worse!


I will discuss changing it with his doctor and find out where he gets the transdermal stuff.






I just heard back from my doctor--I had left a message. His response was just that he couldn't see how oral glutathione could cause yeast issues. Since he doesn't want to go to the transdermal one yet, I couldn't ask him where he gets it.


Oh well, sorry I don't have more info. I did read on the internet that oral AND transdermal glutathione had less issues with yeast than DSMA, which is what my doctor believes.



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