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Strange tics not TS


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Hi All,


I have a question about tics that are not TS related. My sister stopped by the other day (she is 38) and I couldn't help but notice a strange neck/shoulder tic that she was doing. There is no TS in my side of the family (my son has TS inherited from my husband) But if i didn't know her I would of thought TS. (I have not seen her in almost 4 months so I don't know how long it has been going on) I didn't say anything but I will see her again this weekend and plan to talk to her about it. I would like to know any info that anyone would have on this so I can help her.


I have never noticed any other types of tics with her in the past. It has been a tough year for her work wise and she is a single Mom and on top of that we lost our Dad this past year to an accident, so I know her stress level is up. Can that be a factor in a tic? Also she has put on a lot of weight. She has always been heavy but this past year she probably added another 100 lbs. My goal is to try and talk to her about getting to a Dr. but if I had any other info I could give her it would be helpful for me when I talk to her.




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  • 2 weeks later...

a good way to judge---is if vocal tics are present with motor tics---


such as, sniffing, throat clearing..... with say, a neck tic--


the combination is crucial in determining if it is TS---be very observant---alot of TS stuff is mild--so, it may slip your attention... (eye blinking, facial tics)-


some ADHD has slight motor tics(only)--or motor tics--from the use of medications---but--TS---must have both forms of tics-


perhaps--you already are aware---anyways...............

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