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My son has been on Pennicillen for 13 days. The first 4 days we saw improvement in his eye tic but then we kind of went back to baseline at day 5. I spoke to our dr who said that we should stay on Penn for 30 days before trying another antibiotic (he is not opposed to trying something else but wants to give this one a full try). As days 9 and 10 approached, I noticed that my son's academic ability, handwriting and patience had started to improve - we homeschool so I see this firsthand. We also noticed that my son's tics are pretty much gone late afternoon through the evening, only to return for the same pattern the next day. Mind boggling or does this sound par for the course? I was so focused on the physical aspects (eye tic) that I never thought about the other aspects (schoolwork and attitude) improving. Is this a sign that the penn may be working? I think I read somewhere that the tics tend to be the last to get better. Does anyone have any similiar experiences?

My son has been on Pennicillen for 13 days. The first 4 days we saw improvement in his eye tic but then we kind of went back to baseline at day 5. I spoke to our dr who said that we should stay on Penn for 30 days before trying another antibiotic (he is not opposed to trying something else but wants to give this one a full try). As days 9 and 10 approached, I noticed that my son's academic ability, handwriting and patience had started to improve - we homeschool so I see this firsthand. We also noticed that my son's tics are pretty much gone late afternoon through the evening, only to return for the same pattern the next day. Mind boggling or does this sound par for the course? I was so focused on the physical aspects (eye tic) that I never thought about the other aspects (schoolwork and attitude) improving. Is this a sign that the penn may be working? I think I read somewhere that the tics tend to be the last to get better. Does anyone have any similiar experiences?



I've been wondering the same thing. We are having the opposite results though! We are on day 7 of 875 mg of Augmentin. We saw lots of improvement the first 4 days or so. Days 5 was angry, had almost zero tics, but more noticeable contamination issues. Wouldn't be anywhere near his brother, couldn't stand looking at specs of anything on the floor, wouldn't take a bath, only a shower because it was cleaner, etc. Contamination hasn't been much of an issue for the past few years, it has mostly been evens. Day 6 was a cross between angry and emotional. Had a fight with his friend and felt like his karate instructor was really mean for making them do drills for not listening. OCD was pretty much gone but a "craning" tic, as he calls it is back both for his neck and hand. It's like he's break dancing. Plus he's back to doing a throat clearing one. But the duration of all his ticcing episodes is much shorter. Like maybe twice an hour (that I'm noticing). He was short and snippy with us and down right mean to his brother. Almost unbearable to be with. Had a crying jag before bed. He also just seemed exhausted. He was totally off his Zoloft for a couple of days before we started the antibiotics and I couldn't decide if he was reacting to the abx or withdrawals from the ssri. Or if the horrible smog we are dealing with is causing an allergic reaction like it is with his brother. I gave them both some Zyrtec at breakfast. I had him take 25 mg of Zoloft yesterday evening and this morning. He woke up more refreshed and happier this morning, I'm thinking it is the Zoloft. We will just have to wait to wean off completely until later. But it could also be that it snowed last night which cleared the air. After school he was grumpy again (he usually is after school until he eats) but less than before. He's snippy but recovers quickly. He sat down to get his homework done without me reminding him, though his handwriting is as bad as ever, which it looked much better last week. He is willing to share and be by his brother again. I asked him to rate where he is at with 0 being no change at all with tics and OCD and 10 being totally gone. He says he's probably a 6 or so, but emotionally he feels like he's -5. We only have a 10 day course of abx and we don't see his doctor until next Thursday. I'm wondering if it is better to finish this course up and see if he regresses before the appt. or if I should call his doctor and see if we can get another 10 days. His tummy seems to be holding up OK which was my biggest worry. I know I can't expect an instantaneous cure, I guess I just didn't expect the emotional aspect to get worse! And I didn't expect there to be so many variables (partially my fault) that could effect how he is doing!


My son never had tics, but many say tics are the hardest symptoms to get rid of. I think with my son, reasoning first resurfaced, then I slowly saw other things fade away. I think it's good to keep a journal of what went on during the day. There's times a symptom disappears and you don't even realize it until you reread through your journal and remember he had it in the first place.

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