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Private School

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Thanks to everyone who posted an answer! The ideas and support I get here are priceless. Alex went back to the private school today to try again (staying the entire day). I think if he can do that there's a chance he'll be admitted. We're going in for a meeting with the private school Friday afternoon, so I will take a lot of the ideas and advice you've all given me to that meeting. I plan to make sure that they understand the situation and are completely on board with supporting us. It's tempting to just try to get in so we can take him out of the public school immediately, but I don't think we'd be doing ourselves any favors if we gave them the impression that things are any better than they really are. We will also let them know that we're working with a psychiatrist who can give a lot of guidance on how best to help him adjust and get to school on higher anxiety days.


If this school doesn't work out, I will continue to try to find the right match. I do think we can consider some religious schools in the area, but I think some of the Catholic schools are very strict and rigid (that's just what I've heard) so I don't think those would be a good place for him/us. I put him in summer school last summer at a small school for kids with a mix of issues, but it turned out most of them have learning disabilities. Alex is pretty advanced academically, so again he was bored and not happy there. I also don't think a school for kids with emotional problems is what we want. I would like to have him around kids who are pretty high functioning emotionally, so that he can hopefully model some of that while we work to get him well physically.


I'll post when we know more. Thanks again!

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