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I hope everyone had a good Christmas or as good as can be with sick children. My son seems to be doing better, I'd guess about 50-60% better 13 days post T&A. The quick, jerky body movements (he said are compulsions not tics because he is doing them due to an obsession) have stopped. I asked if he was doing better because he was having less obsessions and he said yes, and reminded me his didn't like talking about it! We go for a repeat MRI with contrast tomorrow. There was a white spot on his last one that the Neuro here (who doesn't "buy into PANDAS" is referring him to Dartmouth Hitcock to followup there for MRI results. I will create a new topic but if anyone reading this one has seen Dr. Hyder at Pedi Neuro Datmouth Hitcock what do you think? I called and the receptionist there told me he had worked with PANDAS kids before.


Forgive me for being dumb here, but what exactly are they doing an MRI on?

My dd's doc has briefly mentioned a T & A due to swollen tonsills, but not actively looking at it at the moment.

I'm glad you're seeing improvement! Is he on antibiotics right now?


Yes, the ENT switched him to clindamycin HCL 150 mg 4 times a day. He isn't treating him for PANDAS though. I'm still waiting to get into a few Dr. I have read about here. The 10 days ran out so we went back to Azith 2 days ago that he was on for 2 days prior surgery and before that 7 weeks of Augmentin 2000 XR without any improvement. I think the Clindamycin worked well. Have you tried it?

Forgive me for being dumb here, but what exactly are they doing an MRI on?

My dd's doc has briefly mentioned a T & A due to swollen tonsills, but not actively looking at it at the moment.


He had a concussion about 10 weeks ago and the MRI is a follow up with contrast this time.

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