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wendy - please excuse my ignorance - are you saying you believe s pyogenes strain of strep is responsible for pandas in all pandas patients?


it's documented that about 8 of some 80 strep strains are even capable of producing RH under any circumstances, correct? is this one strain you are saying produces pandas?


We, too, had always suspected that strep continued to harbor somewhere in our son and that normal abx prophylaxis was useless.


BTW: an early MRI showed that our son had a sinus infection, and he complained throughout his PANDAS illness of constant congestion and drainage. Strep is a common cause of sinusitis, as I understand it. Coincidence?


I was told recently by a holistic doctor that strep "hides out" particularly in the sinuses! Our son has always had seasonal allergies and other respiratory sensitivities that cause congestion and drainage, so her caution set off some alarm bells for me. She recommended making sure his daily intake of vitamin D3 was adequate as a "natural" response to this challenge.


The S. Pyogenes has several strains..... I know many or all of them have the M protein. It is the strain that typically cause the 'white puss' on the tonsils when strep throat occurs. Apparently, some strains do not produce puss.


It would be a little far reaching to say that the S Pyogenes is responsible for all PANDAS until further research can be done. BUT, it definitely explains why some might not have raised titers, why its difficult to find the strep and its resilience. BUT, for now, its just my father-in-laws opinion based on his medical training/knowledge (practicing Urologist for 35+ years) and summation of the articles.... Believe me, he was not convinced there wasn't a predisposition of host until reading the articles several times. Now, I think he feels there doesn't need to be a predisposition other than age or state of the immune system at time of exposure but doesn't rule out a predisposition either.







wendy - please excuse my ignorance - are you saying you believe s pyogenes strain of strep is responsible for pandas in all pandas patients?


it's documented that about 8 of some 80 strep strains are even capable of producing RH under any circumstances, correct? is this one strain you are saying produces pandas?

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