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SInce Phil reminded me of this thread, I went looking...


Interestingly, she says pear juice is okay, and pear (whole fruit) and grapefruit juice (diluted) are the only sweets (fruits) my son eats.


He is doing better with proteins, it is now string cheese, soy (power bars, soy milk) and chili with turkey, and spare ribs occassionally. I just wish I could get him to like chicken again!



Guest Guest_efgh

Claire and Phyl


thanks for the link. Its so informative. As per the info in the link , looks like all fruits have to be avoided .. Is it true that for yeast/candia fruits also have to be limited?? I always thought fruits were very good and only refined sugars had to be avoided??


The doctors I spoke with and books I read said to avoid fruits. Dr. McC. says pears are okay--funny that is the one fruit my son still likes and eats (no more than 1 a day. We dilute grapefruit juice in half and he has this every other day--but it is technically not on the list.



Guest Guest_efgh

Claire, thanks for info on fruits (pears especially). I give my son a lot of fresh fruits (mainly bananas and pears every day) and once in a while apples and mangoes since he loves them.. Now, again I have to start thinking on this????????????????????????????????????????????


How about others - which fruits do you give your kids regularly.




Oh dear, my daughter has yeast issues--what do you do for dessert if you are avoiding grains (SCD) --I am transitioning to fruit and was thinking I'd do two a day--with enzymes. Any dessert ideas for an allergic, somewhat yeasty 2 1/2 year old. She eats really well (meats, veggies--no grains right now- so I feel like she needs alittle fruit for carb purposes). She's programmed for dessert (oops) and I can't imagine taking it away.






I am curious how you know she is 'yeasty'? I only ask because if she eats that well she must not be a carb craver, which is a sign of yeast. (Though I admit, I do low carb, so I don't crave carbs anymore and I have tons of yeast. I just did my saliva test today and got the worse result--my saliva just sunk to the bottom of the water!)


That desert thing is tough--we never did deserts, but when they have a treat at school I like to compensate for it.here are possibilities:


Berry smoothie (most berries aren't too high in sugars--I know Atkins thinks they are okay) You can make them thicker like icecream and have it with a spoon.


We do a dark chocolate from Whole Foods with Malitol in it. We don't do sucralose or nutrasweet, but so far Malitol seems to be okay. Sometimes he eats it plain, sometimes we melt it in the microwave and roll pecans or strawberries in it.


Diluted icy fruit juice with stevia (natural herb sweetener with no sugar). A friend suggested making it like a slurpy/slushy--I haven't tried that way yet. Or the same mixture, but frozen as a popsicle--they last longer when sucked on. We also do fresh real lemonade with stevia. If the carbs are low, the sugar impact is low.


We don't do low grains for my son (he can't have wheat and corn, but he can have oats and rice). How did you decide to do this? Did you notice a difference?


EDITED: I wrote this and then realized you stated the age of your child later! Chocolate/caffeine is not good for that age--especially if see has tics. My son gets a little occassionally--but that idea was for myself/another adult. Also, even Dr. Atkins says you shouldn't have low-carb under age 12 (and I am not sure I would do it for a child), so I really don't know how to match limited fruits with no grains, given the need for carbs. Definitely I would talk to a doctor/nutritionalist about advice on this one!



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