Guest Nancy Posted May 22, 2004 Report Posted May 22, 2004 Hi all, A while ago I wrote about trying neuromodulation technique (NMT) for my son's allergies, and I promised to update you when spring allergy season came around. Briefly, he was treated last summer with NMT to eliminate his allergies and did very well all fall and most of the winter, with hardly even a cold. In February and March he started getting congested with colds that became sinus issues, but in April it became apparent that his typical allergy symptoms were back - congestion, itchy eyes, etc. We went back to the naprapath, who had said she would treat him again for free if his symptoms came back. He was treated last summer when the allergens weren't actually around, and she said that it's not uncommon to get some syptoms when exposed to the actual allergen again. Apparently, your body often has PSPs (pernicious synaptic patterns), which basically means that even if your body is cleared of the allergy, your body still responds in the same physiological ways it is used to doing when exposed to the allergen again. People often have to be cleared of the PSPs before symptoms stop completely. (Kind of a hard concept, I know.) Anyway, she muscle tested him and it showed he did have PSPs for the allergies, and she treated him again to clear them. She also recommended some homeopathic drops to help clear his sinuses of residual congestion, since he tends to have problems with that. A few days later, he got another bad cold and cough, which REALLY made him congested and miserable, but it did clear up, and now he's actually clear and not having any allergy symptoms. I checked the pollen levels in our area and they're still high, so I know the allergens are still around. I know last year he had problems into early summer. And even when he was reacting this year, it didn't seem as bad as before. I guess I have to say that I do think NMT has helped. I knew there was a chance he would react when the allergens came back, but it seems like she cleared the PSPs and he's doing ok now. Next year, I hope he doesn't react at all, which would be really convincing. Overall, his tics are very minimal, even I don't notice them very often, and he's had some stressful times lately. I will say his anxiety level seems to be up - he's trying some new things he hasn't done before, which is usually hard for him. But he is trying, and I hope he gains some self-confidence when he realizes he has tried something hard and come out ok. He doesn't watch much TV, but when he does he doesn't seem to tic. The doctor also treated him with NMT for light/flicker issues and other things that could affect his neurological system. Anyway, that's my update. I think NMT has had a positive affect on my son. Some of you may not remember my earlier posts, so you can search under NMT or neuromodulation technique and find them. You can also look at the website: I've been so busy lately I haven't had much time to post, but I've been reading everything, and I'm so glad that so many of you are having great success with finding good doctors and treatments. Even though my son's doing pretty well, I plan on getting him tested for metals, yeast, etc., because I think there's a good chance those may be issues for him too. He's doing well on supplements, but I want to know if there are underlying issues that can be addressed. I actually sent in a pyroluria test for myself, because my family really fits the profile. I'm very curious to see what it says, and I'll probably get my kids tested too. The best of luck to all of you! You're in my thoughts and prayers. Nancy
Claire Posted May 22, 2004 Report Posted May 22, 2004 Hi Nancy, Thanks for the update, I was just wondering about your son the other day. I am glad to hear that he is doing so well! It would make sense to me that being treated while the allergy triggers are present would be the most helpful. Even if this had to be done monthly during allergy season, it would be worth it to me (sort of like retraining your allergy response over time?) If my son is game, I might try to get him to do this to help when we reintroduce foods in a couple of months. Of course, I would try to treat the light sensitivity at the same time. I would also like to do p/n (provocation/neutralization), which the environmental medicine doctors do, but his EM/DAN doctor doesn't do it anymore--he said it takes too much time (I guess compared to food elimination and then rotation). My pyrolia test (and my son's) get mailed to the lab on Monday. FJ on Braintalk kept talking about zinc and b6 supplements for it and my DAN doctor said that I didn't seem to process either well--he had to give me different forms of them (zinc picolate and P5P). So it will be interesting to see if I have that one. I didn't have symptoms for that one, but it was so cheap and easy and I was doing it for my son anyway so I decided what the heck. The guy at the lab said that he guessed (not sure) about 30% of those tested came back positive. Good luck with your own test results! Too bad the Spectracell test is so expensive ($265), since it doesn't require a doctor's approval. The analysis the lab gives back is very detailed, with specific recommendations for supplements for vitamin deficiencies and antioxidants if needed. I even called the lab afterward and they helped me with some questions I had. I raise this, because we did this before the heavy metal test came back, and the treatment was the same--ie my son and I were still to take those same supplements. We just now had a way to measure if it improved underlying issues with metal. Plus our doctor said that the low antioxidants were a tip off to possible metal issues. So it seems like a reasonable screening before going full bore into tests--it is still cheaper than the DAN visits as a starting point. (My 'unexpert' opinion) Did you see the at-home 'free' yeast test with saliva? It can't hurt to try that either. A positive result might encourage you to do more testing, and a negative one might mean no urgency to do so. Good luck Nancy, and thanks again for the update. I know that Doris Rapp saw positive results from the general method. Claire
Guest Nancy Posted May 22, 2004 Report Posted May 22, 2004 Hi Claire, I just checked the mail and my pyroluria results came. The result was a "9", which seems well within the normal range. I'm not entirely surprised, but I do think others in my family really fit the profile. We actually had my son tested for allergies using the provocation/neutralization method several years ago by an environmental physician. I had great hopes for it, because I had read how much success Doris Rapp had with it. It did take more time, and he couldn't get it all done at once, but he was pretty much positive to all the molds, pollens, etc., they tested for. THey prepared his shots specifically according to his test results, and we gave them to him for awhile, but his tics actually seemed to increase every time we gave him a shot. I don't know why, and maybe if we had stayed with it long enough he would have had better luck, but I just couldn't bear to put him through it for those results. I know other people have good luck with it. I was attracted to NMT because it's noninvasive. Our naprapath had told us about the spit test for yeast awhile ago, and we did it. I seem to recall there were some stringy things in my son's water, but they went away quickly. Is that supposed to happen? Where did you get the spectracell test done? Does it cover all vitamins and antioxidants? I wouldn't mind the expense, but I do feel like I should work with a doctor who's knowledgeable about all these things before we change or start any supplement regimen. Thanks for your reply. Nancy
Claire Posted May 22, 2004 Report Posted May 22, 2004 Hi Nancy, Congrats on your negative pyrollia test! Re the saliva test...The stringy things are supposed to mean yeast--dissolving into the water is irrelevant as I understand it. It is supposed to be a 'first thing in the morning' spit into a glass of water. As I mentioned in another post, I had it and my son and husband didn't. You might want to try it again some morning--my DAN doctor said it showed fewer false negatives than the stool test commonly used. Again, I am not recommending treatment based on it, just that it might justify the urine test for yeast ($127 from Great Plains, but requires a doctor's signature). As for SpectraCell, the number is 800-227-5227. My doctor ordered the test, but no doctor signature was required on the form, so I am assuming that you can order the test from them directly. The supplement levels they recommend are fairly conservative compared to what I see some people taking. I too would want to speak with a doctor before commencing supplementation--in fact, I was to the other extreme...I didn't want to do any supplementation without testing for deficiencies first! I just mentioned it because you said sometime you might to more testing and this didn't require finding an MD. I assume that you or your naturopath could order the test. No deficiencies doesn't rule out doing further testing at some point. Claire
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