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You are most welcome! I completely agree with EAMom about not being willing to take Meg off the Zith to "see what happens". Some doctors just don't get it.


That would be, IMO, the same as a doctor telling you to stop giving antibiotics to your child with rheumatic fever and let's "see" if they get strep again that attacks their heart.




Ok, that just made me laugh out loud! I am so stealing that one. When they tell me about the dangers of prednisone (which we have thus far used for one week, but are open to using again), I just ask "and if she also has Lupus - then will you suggest we use Pred?". They always say yes. So I guess that a brain disorder just does not qualify as an illness worth curing and taking some risk for. Sometimes I think that they still see this as a personality issue, not a brain illness that can be taken back to remission.


I had a mom call me this am, to marvel over how well Meg is doing - she was asking a ton of questions because she could not "see" a lot of Meg's OCD issues when we were out in public, but could see the results - head down, refusal to answer questions, the constant huddle into my side. Now Meg is singing and running around and even talking to grownups! It was cool to have someone else, not so involved, be able to really see the difference. Her husband pointed out to her how different she is!

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