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well I took my ds to the allergist to do the reading of his allergy testing. I thought it was good since he only tested at a 7 on a few and that was the minimal but the doctor said since it was a few of them that puts him on moderate. Anyways he is allergic to bed mits, bermudian grass, and cockrockes... I said oh we don't have them so no worries but he informed me that is any dead bugs dust.... so if you kill a fly or spider or one dies in his room and lays their he is allergic... also he said when you bring groceries from storage the dust is on them too. He is also allergic to some mold that is normally found in basements with cement walls...we never saw that in ours, but it could be there. Also dog but we have ours outside so not really bad.

Got me wondering...he spends so much time in the woods behind our house... maybe that is triggering him with all the bugs out there.

He said to try Claritin and see if that helps.


Also we talked about strep and that fact his tonsils are enlarged but he said that it is nothing to worry about and that if you have strep with no sympton you do nothing..... He really talked down on me when I was telling him of my nephew and neice having it with no symptons.... he acted like it was no big deal and that strep had no connection to tics... needless to say not returning to him for help.

Anyways I did find that he does have some allergies and we will try claritin or the dye free benadryl for a few weeks and see if that helps. His vocals are pretty much gone now, had a bout of them in the summer---maybe it was a chlorine trigger--but now he just does a breathing thing, wondering if that could have to do with allergies.


Debating on going back to 25 mg of topamax... i just hate having him on medication..... He doesn't really have any side effects but I just hate him on it. Thinking if we do it for a few weeks and see what happens we can always go back to 50mg if we have too....... such a hard decision



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