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Guest Guest_pam

So , I have made an appt with a therapist to help me with something that is ruining my marriage. I believe I must have OCD because I am constantly needing my house clean. All the time. The children can not leave a wrapper on the table with out me getting upset that it was not put away. I get upset when they leave things out and I have to pick them up after I have asked them. I just can not seem to relax when I have a day off and insist that my house stays clean. I have no idea when this started but I can not stop hounding my family to pick things up. My husband says it has to stop or he is leaving because he can not stand me just relaxing and letting things go. I feel it must be a compulsive issue as I can not stop doing it. Even when he walked out.


  • 1 year later...
Guest Suz0609

I have just got onto this forum as I have OCD and don't know anyone else who has it.


I have read Guest_pam's comments below. I am also like this.


I have this constant urge and repititious thoughts in my head to have everyone put away, clean and the main one is aligning things. I constantly align things and then check again they are perfect.


As soon as I get home from work I check every room in the house till everything is just right and then can get on with other things. It controls my life so much and I spend so much time checking and aligning things that I am usually late to everywhere I am going. It makes me irritable if I have to leave in a rush and things are not aligned, I will think about the whole time I am out and can't wait to get home to fix it all.


I worry about the house when I am away that it is not the way I want it and am the same at work with my desk.


I never relax and am plauged by these unwanted intrusive thoughts constantly.


My big problem is that when I do not do these rituals with aligned and putting things away I feel like I am not worthy and feel like I look so horrible to everyone and need to do the rituals to make myself feel good about myself.


I also repeat things constantly in my head and check my work on the computer constantly and save documents continuously.


I feel like I am trapped in a mind going around and around that won't let me be or relax and tells me I am horrible and look horrible unless my surroundings are 100% perfect. It drives me crazy. I am currently going for CBT treatment for exposure but feel after 8 sessions that I am not getting a whole lot better, working on thought challenging which is hard when you have thought a certain way and acted a certain way for over 20 years.


Is there anyone else out there like me????

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