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Hello. I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts or saw this in their child....


We tested our d's IgA IgG IgM IgE and subclasses. All came back normal (she had low normal IgA) except IgG4 subclass which came back high and fairly high too. I was expecting to see deficiences if anything, not high levels.....


Our ped is following it up but thought I'd ask here too.



Hello. I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts or saw this in their child....


We tested our d's IgA IgG IgM IgE and subclasses. All came back normal (she had low normal IgA) except IgG4 subclass which came back high and fairly high too. I was expecting to see deficiences if anything, not high levels.....


Our ped is following it up but thought I'd ask here too.




Dut, I'll post dd's next week when we get ours back. I'm curious to know what the outcome will be. Please let me know what your Ped comes back with about the high and the low IgA too....




Here is some information on subclasses from the Immune Deficiency Foundation:





Did you have your d's Pneumococcal titers tested? This test would show how her body actually responds when it has an infection and some doctors and patients believe that this number is actually more important. A person can have normal immunoglobulin levels and still have a problem fighting off infections. The opposite is true as well, a person can low immunologlobulins but have normal responses to the titers and not be considered as having a need for treatment. It is important to look at the overall picture of that person's health--not just the numbers.


My daughter has normal immunolglobulins but does not mount a response to any of the titers and therefore is receiving the monthly IVIG.

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