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Hi everyone. I just have to share with a group of people who will understand where I am coming from today. ;)


Today is the first day of school and it sure was difficult to send Shae. She did great--anxiety level was maybe a 1--no tears until it was time to walk in without Mom. I, on the otherhand, am going to be a wreck today! First, summer was only ten weeks and she was probably sick for eight of those ten weeks. Needless to say we didn't do many fun things nor have any playdates. All of us feel slightly robbed of the good times you shoud have in summer. School came much to quickly this year.


Second, she is doing so much better than last year and I really don't want to see her slide backwards now. The thought of her getting strep again scares the living daylights out of me. Third, with her recently dx immune deficiency I have to be concerned about her getting sick period. And-she seems to be one of those kids whose Pandas symptoms flair up when she is around other people of are sick.


I spent over an hour meeting with her teacher, school administrator and nurse on Monday. New school policy because of swine flu is that no child may return to school until 24 hours after running a temp and being off of Ibuprofen. They tried to tell me they were going to strictly enforce this rule. :blink: It's a great rule, but we all know that sick kids are sent to school everyday because the parents are unable to take time off from work. The is just a fact of life.


I am so thankful for this group of wonderful parents and the opportunity to share our experiences. No one close to us can even begin to understand what we go through with these kids and Pandas. I pray that everyone of our kids can continue on a road of healing this year.


Now, and I think Michele will appreciate this, I'm going to go find some sugar and chocolate!!




How did she do? How did you do? Sounds like you did a great job letting the school know. I totally understand how you feel about not wanting to back slide. School starts for us next Tuesday. DD8 is finally starting to turn for the better I think. I'm so worried this will make things worse again.




hi Susan,


She did fine. The teacher sent me an email yesterday afternoon and said she raised her hand in math and seemed happy all day. She had some anxiety this morning so I hope tomorrow goes well. She wants me to walk her to class and this really seems to be an issue. She gets clingy and weepy so I have to find a way to get her to class without me.


Glad to hear S. is doing better. Good luck next week with school. Hope the doctor's appt on Monday goes well also!



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