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Me again :lol:


DD wet the bed last night. It was like the old days where she wets and does not wake up for a while. We went through a bedwetting program over a year ago that finally trained her to stop wetting at night. I assume now, in hindsight, that her bed wetting was related to PANDAS. I can call the bedwetting program for 2 years if anything starts up again. I guess I should do that but I'm wondering if this is a one time thing or if it will continue.


Does anyone have any stories regarding bedwetting that stopped and started up again in relation to PANDAS? I'm assuming this must be related to how crummy she has been doing lately.




My dd, age 6, had bedwetting, along with daytime accidents (even some at school) during the worst of her pandas episode. She had never had any issues before. It did pass with time and antibiotics.


She hated going to the bathroom at that time, because of the need for excessive wiping to feel dry (ocd). We blamed that on her accidents- but it seems many pandas kids have these accidents- so maybe it was somewhat unrelated.


I would not necessarily worry about a bedwetting program yet. I think it will resolve, when the pandas is under control. (My dd's issue lasted a couple of months- which is very long when you are in the middle of it, I know.)


At one point, my son wet his bed for something like 5 out of 7 days of the week. It lasted for about a month. We were trying to decide to take him in for a possible UTI infection when it just stopped. To give a timeline of when it occurred. His last + strep and PANDAS episode was late March. The month long bed wetting extravaganza was April through May. Now, he's back to no problems.




With everything you've posted in the last couple of days-burning sensation in her limbs, headache, overall bad feeling, and now bedwetting for the first time in awhile--it really makes me think she has to have some kind of infection. Maybe she is so exhausted from whatever her body is fighting that she was just that out of it last night. If it happens again, I think you should have her checked for a UTI. When did the other symptoms start-was it over the weekend? Viral infections usually last approx 3-5 days. IMO-if you haven't seen any improvement by Thursday maybe you should call the doctor. I know what you are thinking--Another Doctor's visit-ARRGGGGG!!!! :lol:




Thanks everyone...


I decided to up her antibiotics to a full dose for a week and see if that helps. We have an appt with her Ped on the 24th but I'll call to move it up if she does not improve. I think her symptoms started up around Thursday of last week. She did seem a little better today and had a good day at camp but it's so hard to tell if it's just a better day or if things are actually turning around, you know? Her birthday party is on Saturday. I hope she's feeling good for it.


She's got a pad on her bed tonight and she's stressed about whether she'll have an accident or not. :lol:



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