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Ok, I don't know why this drives me crazy but my son has to sniff his fingers constantly! I have no idea how he gets anything done! Guess that's why it takes him twice as long to eat dinner! LOL! Anyway, does anyone have suggestions for me trying to redirect him? Should I just look at this like a typical tic and overlook it? Or, is this more of a compulsion that can be redirected like with CBT? He's still doing his wheezing/breathing out tic but it's tapered off since we got back from vacation.



Also, does anyone think that tics take away from their mental processes and completion of tasks? I just wonder how much mental energy is used when their bodies are ticcing. I guess I wonder if the tics can get in the way of finishing school work, taking tests, playing sports, etc. Any thoughts???








I find that my son has a hard time getting schoolwork done because his eyes are rolling all the time. It is hard for him to read. Also it is hard to concentrate when someone is talking to him for a longer period of time because of the eye tics. Also some sports are harder for him to play because of the eye tics. So yes I think the tics can get in the way of doing things.. Char

Ok, I don't know why this drives me crazy but my son has to sniff his fingers constantly! I have no idea how he gets anything done! Guess that's why it takes him twice as long to eat dinner! LOL! Anyway, does anyone have suggestions for me trying to redirect him? Should I just look at this like a typical tic and overlook it? Or, is this more of a compulsion that can be redirected like with CBT? He's still doing his wheezing/breathing out tic but it's tapered off since we got back from vacation.



Also, does anyone think that tics take away from their mental processes and completion of tasks? I just wonder how much mental energy is used when their bodies are ticcing. I guess I wonder if the tics can get in the way of finishing school work, taking tests, playing sports, etc. Any thoughts???








My dd 6yo smells her fingers/hands alot too. I wouldn't say "constantly" but it is frequently. I feel with her it's a complulation rather than a tic b/c she does it after touching something or after washing her hands. Tics are more random. How about your son? Does he smell them after touching things or is it just any old time for no particular reason? DD is also doing the wheezing/exhaling tic, just started recently.

As an adult with tics, I CAN attest to the fact that they DO affect mental processes/completion of tasks. As far as expending mental energy, for me, it seems greatest when I'm constantly trying to think about NOT ticcing. That's mentally exhausting. I do easily get distracted when reading especially, b/c of tics. Lots of times though it's just plain old ADD, i think. My mind just wanders.....

Are you concerned for school? Does he have a 504 plan?



Thank you for that. Yes, he smells his fingers after touching something. Like last night it was after every french fry he ate or after he washes his hands, etc. Honestly, I do the finger smelling myself but not so obvious and not as often, so this doesn't surprise me, LOL!


No, I'm not concerned about his being in school and concentrating b/c we homeschool. But, as his teacher/mother, I still need him to write and to pay attention and to do math computations, etc. That's why I asked. I guess I'm just wondering how much more time I need to give him to complete tasks or to learn certain lessons. Thanks for your input!




OK Bonnie,


I have never had a finger sniffing issue, but after reading this post this morning and cooking with garlic today that's all I smell. Garlic on my fingers. :mellow:

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