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Guest Guest_efgh



To those of you who avoid dairy for your kids' tics - how do you ensure that your kids get sufficient fat in their diet? Have heard quite a bit about "high fat diet" helping neurological issues..

your thoughts and inputs please.




My nautropath suggested to have red meat, i.e., beef and sheep. Besides, they have good fatty acids.


Forgot to mention, we stopped the soy milk and he drinks goat milk and eats chees made from goat milk.

Guest Guest_efgh



does your son like goat milk? Do you see any improvement in tics due to goat milk? Did your naturopath suggest goat milk?




Which probiotic (good bacterial) do you give your son? What is HMF? Can you please let me know which homeo drops (the brand of the three kinds) your naturopath suggested for your son for toxicity? What are the supplements that you give him now? Have you started him now on the B complex?





Hi Efgh,


Sorry for not answering your questions earlier as I was at work then.


1). Yes, the goat milk was suggested by our naturopath. My son hasn't been given dairy for a while. Instead, he had been on soy milk in the last couple months. This time, our naturopath suggested giving him soy and wheat free food for a month to see how he'll be doing. Therefore, she suggested either goat or sheep milk. My son loves the goat milk.


2). The homeopathic drop brand name is UNDA (with different UNDA# though). He takes 5 drops each and 3 times a day. He'll have to take them for 3 weeks. Our naturopath specially mentioned that these drops are used for many different things and illnesses. The descriptions on the bottles of Unda# are not the uses that she gives to my son. As you know, naturopathic treatment will treat a body as a whole instead of treating each individual symptoms. I guess that she came up these 3 Undo# based on my son's different "symptoms" (not only tics).


3). HMF is a powder that contains lactobacillus (the "good bacterial"), as my son's stool test showed Zero lactobacillus.


4). He doesn't take any supplements at this point. I haven't started him on B6-complex and the super EFA. I would like to introduce them one at a time. I'm also a little nervers about the super EFA that usually will aggravate his tics. But our naturopath asked us to try for at least a week this time. If he still can't tolerant it, he may need to have the fatty acid test.


Hope this helps. How is your son doing? Has he had the stool test yet?

Guest Guest_efgh

Hi Jean


thanks for your details. I am yet to do the stool test for my son though I have the kit given by my naturopath at home. Waiting for his winter holidays. As regards the CDSA, did you also have to collect the stool for 3 consecutive days. Were you given a kit initially for that?

My son's tics are very minimum these days , atleast for the past two months. His tics are not noticeable. I guess all the supplements that I give him are really helping him. And also, NO TV/dairy/chocolates/eggs/sugar/natural salicylates like apples, etc are helping him a lot. But he has a severe cough/cold/vomit due to the viral infection/asthma that he picked up a week ago. He is a bit better today.

Do you get goat milk in whole food stores? Is it UHT/Pasteurised? Do you get goat's cheese also there? What is the difference in nutrition - goat milk Vs cow milk?

do you give salicylates like apples, almonds, oranges to your son? I stopped it since two months...






I bought both goat milk and cheese from whole foods market. I'm not sure if it's UHT/Pasteurised (I'll look into it ). It looked to me that nutrition facts of goat mild and cow milk are pretty similar. I still don't give him Apple, almond, orange, etc. Re: CDSA. It's not required to collect stool for 3 consecutive days, but certain meds. should be avoided (i.e., motrain, antibiotics, etc. It's in the kit instruction). I assumed that you got the CDSA kit from Great smokies.


Good to hear your son's tics are not noticeable. Hope his cough/cold will be better soon. BTW, what are the supplements that you are currently giving to your son?

Guest Guest_efgh

Jean, yes I got the CDSA kit from great smokies. It comes with three trays with a bottle in each tray to collect stool on 3 consecutive days. Can you please let me know how was yours , the procedure etc..Did you have to collect the stool for only one day?

The supplements I give my son are

fish oil (from yesterday - earlier it was flax), calcium citrate, magnesium taurate, zinc gluconate, B complex and a multivitamin. Hope this helps.

Guest Guest_efgh



forgot to add/mention in my previous post that the CDSA test kit which I have says "Comprehensive digestive stool analysis and parasitology test kit" it includes parasitology too.. how about yours?




What are the supplements that your son is currently on? Did you tell your doctor about your son's tics increasing mainly due to TV.. what did he say.. THANKS to you, I now know for sure that TV is the main trigger for my son.. But, HOW IS HE GOING TO COME OUT OF THIS trigger is my worry...What supplement does your doctor suggest for your son's high mercury level?




The one that my son had was "Comprehensive digestive stool analysis ". There're 2 tubes only. We collected the stool at the same time (we're not told to do in seperate days).


efgh, my appointment on the heavy metals test results isn't until Tuesday of next week (they were nice enough to tell me the initial results over the phone). So I won't have any answers til then.


My doctor believes/hopes that solving the underlying issues will resolve my son's problem. I am taking some hope in what Heather and Phyl have said.


I disagree with whoever wrote that fish oils are THE solution for everyone. Not if the child has underlying immune issues due to yeast, low antioxidants and/or heavy metals. I just don't believe in a one size fits all solutions. On the other hand, for some children, fish oil may indeed be THE best solution though. My son was on the low end of his Omega 3's, but still in range FYI.



Guest Guest_efgh



I totally agree with you. There is no fixed solution ... But, if you see invariably most of the naturopaths seem to be suggesting almost the same thing.. So, I guess they feel omega 3 deficiency may be one of the most common causes for tics. In fact, today my naturopath said that hair analysis is not totally reliable .. Its just a pointer and there is no method which is totally reliable to test for heavy metals (especially mercury) :) .. Its all so confusing ...But for this forum and ofcourse the active, helpful folks like all of you, I wonder what I would have done B)

Thanks to your TV trigger suggestion - I am still continuing with "NO TV" for my son and I am sure that is the key factor for his tics reduction. I would be convinced that his tics are under control ONLY on that day when he watches TV for hours without ticcing !! :o




Your inputs on Lead in your son's school is really interesting.




Good that you are slowly waning down the supplements.. Its a treat to see our kids being NORMAL without any supplements and I am sure that day is not too far for most of us.




Do you plan to reduce the dosage of the supplements for your son too? I was thrilled to read about your son's maturity and the positive approach towards his TS, his supplements, etc in the other thread. :P




Actually, my DAN/EM doctor says the only way to know for sure with mercury is to take a tissue sample!! Ugh, I think a rare person will do that.


Yes fatty acid issues are a common cause, "and Mrs. Doubtfyre is an expert on it" [EDITED from before, per Chemar's correction below]. But I agree it is a big one, and it is close to a checklist item for kids with tics. (I still like testing first).


If I were betting, I would bet on yeast and/or heavy metals or both being the biggest underlying cause. But we won't know for 10 years, will we? So we muddle along...


My neighbor said that high mercury depletes B vitamins by the way. I don't have her research source.





I do think that essential fatty acids are the most widely accepted 'natural' way to help tics by the way!



Hi there,


I am new to these sites. My son, just turned 7, and has had some very mild tics that were around for awhile - but have recently (w/i) past 2 months have become much more exagerated enough for us to start researching the causes.


I have notiiced on many of the ts sites that add, adhd & ocd often accompany ts. After finding little info on natural treatments for ts - I began to look at all the options for add/adhd. There are quite a few out there and they too address "esential fatty acids". I thought if these issues are often seen together than perhaps the treatments could crossover as well. I have not found a homeopathic dr yet but I am researching this now.


In the meantime we will visit a pediatric nuerologist next wk. Our pediatrician felt it could be something that will pass but best to see a specialist. I am frightened by all the drugs there are out there and the few natural options. I wondered if anyone here has ever tried any of the natural add/adhd treatments. One that looked interesting to me was "attend" http://www.vaxa.com/636.cfm. I would greatly appreciate any feedback on this.




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