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I started to have rocd with my girlfriend around 2 motnsh after we started going out...


she is my first real relationship and she loves me for who i am and i loved her for everything until the ocd started to kick in.


one day at my uncle's house in the poconoes, i started thinking of all the negative things about her which came out of NOWHERE!


i even suffered a bout of hocd which is much better now thank god


i have seen a therapist, and i stopped thinking i got better, but i dont think it has, so i am plannign to go back and do CBT.


but sometimes i wonder if this is really ocd...


if so, its ruining my relationship because sometimes if i feel an attraction for another girl, it turns my world upside down thinking my girlfriend isnt the one for me anymore...she almost broke up with me....


please..someone tell me i will get over this..i am so indesicive..i want to be with her..but the constant doubts and analyzations make me think this isnt it...its been almsot 7 months since we've been going out..eralkghkf

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