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When I was spending most of my time on a Sydenham's forum, a mom there explained that they made up a name for the "monster in her daughter's head" and always attributed the nasty behaviors to that alter ego.


I just wanted to say that when I read this I cringed and I wanted to discourage this type of term usage when dealing with these pandas kids. One reason is that ANY child psychiatrist or child psychologist who hears a child (who is also otherwise acting psychotic) say something like this would JUMP on this statement regarding another 'being' in their head and this could lead to mis diagnosis.


We had one heck of a time when my dd first started to see mental health department because the quality of my child's OCD was that she began saying (probably 1000s of times per day) that "mommy my head says that I want to kill you" She had to say this over and over and over and it was terrifying. HOWEVER she was completely upset by it all and did NOT want to kill me, etc etc. But apparently she had to say it to keep it from coming true. ANYWAY, the mental health people at first truly thought (because of the way she worded it as 'my head says') that she had schizophrenia--(she had JUST turned age 6) and this went on for a very long time, months of misdiagnosis. Everyone was worried that yes, she would try to kill me but I was not. Even though all ###### would break loose when she had a rage...those times were different than her OCD verbalizations (and she had MANY).


She was questioned over and over again regarding hearing voices, hallucinations and such. But always answered that no it wasn't a different persons voice or someone else but rather it was in her own head and it was 'her'. This still stumped them.


I don't know what to call it but we eventually came to call my dd's OCD thoughts as 'silly thoughts' (later she was able to just tell me 'mom, i had a silly thought' instead of the horrors of the sentence---) and she is now aware that her brain was being attacked by her own body's self defense system. I had to get that cleared up with her right away because the way she worded that 'my head says' bit was just way too much. I guess everyone can use what's best for their own kiddos situation. These poor kids...having thoughts and rages like this, who knows what kind of terminology would really help. Really, it's whatever each child finds comfort in. My child is only 7 right now but she does seem able to understand what has happen to her and I think she finds comfort in hearing a scientific explanation. I know I do!


Worried dad- I just wanted to wish you good things for the upcoming second round of IVIg with Dr. K tomorrow and the next day. We'll all be thinking of you guys! Let this WORK and permanently!

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