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Tonsils surgery and tics

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Guest Guest_efgh

HAs any one noticed any connection between tonsils and tics???


Do asthma symptoms reduce after a tonsils surgery? what are the pros and cons of tonsils operation? when is it generally recommended?


after the surgery do you know of cases where the tics reduce (or increase)?


thanks for your replies




I don't know how the surgery would affect tics, but a friend of mine who is in the same boat as we and has read quite a bit just told me that she came across some information that if there is a b-12 defficiency anesthesia can cause permanent brain damage. This is something worth asking your doc about.





Both my son and my sister's son appear to have PANDAS (sudden onset of tics/OCD type behaviors after strep). My sister's son had his tonsils out last year after many bouts of strep. He has been much better since, although he did get strep again this winter and as soon as he did, new tics began. Meanwhile, my son has also had strange symptoms when he gets strep. We just saw an ENT who told us she had had several patients with similar problems and that after they had tonsilectomies, they improved greatly. I hope we don't have to go that route, but at least there is some hope that it helps. I was pleased that the ENT knew all about it and seemed convinced that it does help. I'm pretty upset at the moment because my son just had strep (1st time in a year) and now is having very strong anxiety about going to school - which has never happened before. He's 10. He says he doesn't know why he feels like this. I'm not sure how to help him through this.




My heart goes out to you and your son. My son is 10 and had reactions to strep in the past. I had read that for those who get tics or anxieties/OCD symptoms during strep, if you treat the strep right away, the child can be okay. However, repeated exposures to strep, even when you treat it, can cause more permanent issues. This was my fear and unfortunately, like your child, after this last round of strep, my son's anxieties lingered after the medication though they were greatly reduced from when he had strep.


Fortunately they are virtually gone now, though it took 2 extra months. I think other things we did helped though--but too many to know for sure what did it (We are running a ton of tests and this is on the environmental doctor visit thread). I think the air filter made the biggest difference--go figure. And melatonin at night--given for a different reason--but his fears were at bedtime. I think he has commented on a fear once in the last month.


Another thing I am thinking about. Though I know from studies that the PANDAS symptoms are antibody related (harming cells in the basal ganglia), I wonder whether the antibiotics for the strep may contribute to yeast issues that so many of our kids seem to have (just read this board), creating yet another imbalance that causes stress on the body.


Good luck to you. Anxieties are so hard on everyone. I just detest strep throat for this. And think of all the parents who don't ever know what hit their child. Even when they know where the anxiety is rooted, it feels the same.






There are some studies being done on the tonsil removal, with no clear results.



Guest Guest_efgh

Anyone of you came across any negative side effect of tonsils removal ??

Guest Guest_Heather



It is a very difficult time when our children are going through these anxieties. Although my son's tics are at a minimum, he has started this anxiety about going to school. Thi morning he said he hates school and recess is the worst part. He can't explain it other than he just doesn't feel right. It is heartbreaking because he has always been very social with lot of friends. We moved to a new town in Sept. so it was a new school for him so it could be related to that, however, he has already made lots of friends here so I feel it is more than that. He just isn't as interested in playing and socializing. Last year at this time, he wanted a friend over every day. He was also diagnosed with PANDAS in the fall. Keep in touch. It is comforting to hear from others going through the same situations with ideas that may help.

Guest Guest_efgh

Heather and Meg


On what basis were your kids diagnosed of Pandas? What were their strep throat symptoms/daignosis etc?




can anyone help me with the exact difference between cod liver oil and fish oil?






My understand that the cod liver oil is high in D. Here is the link to Dr. Mercola's home page: http://www.mercola.com/forms/carlsons.htm


BTW, I gave you the incorrect info. on the fish oil that we got from our naturopath. I have posted the info. on the "Heavy Metal" thread.




Sorry, I posted the fish oil info. on "Environmental doctor visit" thread.

Guest Guest_Heather



My son was diagnosed with PANDAS at the medical doctor's before I started the naturopath route. She did a blood test for strep antibodies and they were high so she said it was PANDAS. He was put on an antibiotic (at the time I didn't realize the harm antibiotics can do) and by day 8 on the antibiotic he was ticcing so bad I had to take him out for drives at night to get him to sleep. Anyway, he had never had a sore throat or any signs of strep so not sure about how it was all connected. When my naturopath tested later for strep she said he showed no signs of having high strep antibodies. She did say that many kids that she tested with tics showed high strep antibodies so she wonders about the whole label of PANDAS.



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