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My son is having some tummy trouble for about 6 days now. He did go to the Dr. and they did not say much because he did not have a fever or head ache. He said his tummy hurts, but it comes and goes. He is hungry at times and I was just wondering if you all have heard or have kids who have the same symptoms of a flu bug.


Thanks for any help,



Hey Csp,

Try having him drink apple cider vinegar(Bragg's brand) mixed with lots of water and honey and ice. Even if it's a gastro bug, this may help the symptoms. Also, try giving him activated charcoal after his meals, this will absorb some of the acid that may be upsetting him. It could be a bug, or it could just be something he ate that he's having trouble digesting, etc. I get this way often b/c I have IBS and these things I mentioned work wonders for me. Also, if you can find some candied ginger or ginger tea(if he can stand the taste of ginger...I love it) might help if he's having nausea. Hope he's feeling better soon! Oh, and don't forget to give him probiotics daily to help replenish the good bacteria in his gut which he probably needs if his GI tract is upset.



Oh, and don't forget to give him probiotics daily to help replenish the good bacteria in his gut which he probably needs if his GI tract is upset.




It may be my messed up body chemistry but when I was taking probiotics every day it seems to CAUSE gastrointestinal distress. Now that I've cut back I'm feeling much better.


I wasn't even taking a lot, either; just a single serving of Kefir every morning.

Oh, and don't forget to give him probiotics daily to help replenish the good bacteria in his gut which he probably needs if his GI tract is upset.




It may be my messed up body chemistry but when I was taking probiotics every day it seems to CAUSE gastrointestinal distress. Now that I've cut back I'm feeling much better.


I wasn't even taking a lot, either; just a single serving of Kefir every morning.

Could it be a problem with dairy, not the probiotics in general? Try switching to refrigerated probiotic capsules and see if you have the same problem. I personally don't care for Kefir and I get bored eating yogurt daily so I take a supplement.

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