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I've read posts that talk of PANDAS panel testing. In addition to ASO and DNAase B what is included in these panels?


Thanks, Danuta.


www.neurorelief.com has a pandas/ocd panel which tests...



Streptozyme IgG IgM

Streptococcal M Proteins IgG IgM

B-Cell Antigen IgG IgM

Myelin Basic Protein IgG IgM

Ganglioside GM1 IgG IgM

Tubulin IgG IgM



I've read posts that talk of PANDAS panel testing. In addition to ASO and DNAase B what is included in these panels?


Thanks, Danuta.



I found this on the Latitudes web site, if you click onto the tics and tourettes treatments, there is something written by Dr. Aristo Vojdani with tests needed to have to verify Pandas. Your doctor would need to order from a lab Called Immjunosciences Lab. 310-657-1077




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