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I just got a call from my sons doctor and he tested positive for strep. I am real confused now. Does this mean maybe my son has Pandas? The doctor is going to start him on antibiotics. Is PANDAS something I should considered? Very confused, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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I guess maybe a way to possibly know if you should look into Pandas, would be if he responds well to the antibiotics???

Then again from what I have read on here, it may depend on the type of antibiotic, the doseage and the amount of time on it??

I am sure someone with experience will chime in. We are not on antibiotics at this time and also not sure as to look into Pandas more or not. Please do post your updates though I would really like to keep up to date with this post and our progress.

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Char -


i dont know a thing about PANDAS, but have you seen the new PANDAS section on the forum? if no one replies to you here, i would re post - go the main ACN forum page and above Tourette's and Tics youll see "PANDAS" . good luck!


I guess maybe a way to possibly know if you should look into Pandas, would be if he responds well to the antibiotics???

Then again from what I have read on here, it may depend on the type of antibiotic, the doseage and the amount of time on it??

I am sure someone with experience will chime in. We are not on antibiotics at this time and also not sure as to look into Pandas more or not. Please do post your updates though I would really like to keep up to date with this post and our progress.

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