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Abnormailities that may be related to Heavy Metals


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Abnormalities that may be related to heavy metals


Structural and Functional Abnormalities associated with various heavy metal toxins:


Speech and Language Deficits:


Speech disorders

Aluminum, Mercury


Loss of speech, developmental problems with language



Speech comprehension deficits



Dysarthria; articulation problems; slurred speech, unintelligible speech



Cognitive Impairments:


Attentional problems (ADHD), lacks eye contact, impaired visual fixation

Lead, Mercury


Mental retardation, borderline intelligence

Arsenic, Lead, Mercury


Uneven performance on IQ scores, low IQ scores

Copper, Lead


Poor concentration, attention deficits (ADHD), response inhibition

Aluminum, Lead


Poor memory (short term, verbal, and auditory)

Aluminum, Lead


Difficulties understanding abstract ideas; difficulty carrying out complex commands

X Metals


Dementia; pre-senile and senile dementia




Aluminum, Arsenic


Impaired reaction time; lower performance on timed tests



Sensory Abnormalities:


Abnormal Sensations in the mouth and extremities




Hearing loss, difficulty hearing

Arsenic, Lead, Mercury


Abnormal touch sensations; diminished touch sensations, aversion to touch



Blurred vision; sensitivity to light

Arsenic, Mercury


Motor Disorders:


Choreiform movements, myoclonal jerks, unusual postures

Copper, Mercury


Difficulty walking, swallowing, talking

Copper, Mercury


Flapping, circling, rocking, toe walking



Problems with intentional movements or imitation



Abnormal gait/posture; incoordination, loss of balance; problems sitting, lying, crawling, and walking



Decreased locomotor activity

Aluminum, Arsenic


Convulsions; seizure

Aluminum , Arsenic, Copper, Lead, Mercury, Thallium



Physiological Impairment


Brain and Central Nervous System:


Neurofibrillary tangles



Neuritis, retrobulbar neuritis; neuropathy

Aluminum, Arsenic, Thallium



Aluminum, Arsenic, Lead, Thallium


Cerebrovascular disease

X Metals


Alterations in nerve conduction velocity



Alterations in the spinal chord



Accumulates in CNS structures

Aluminum, Mercury


Abnormal EEGs

Arsenic, Lead


Autonomic disturbances

Copper, Lead, Mercury, Thallium


Peripheral Nervous System:


Peripheral neuropathy

Arsenic, Mercury


Alterations in peripheral nerves



Loss of feeling/ numbness in the extremities; paresthesia

Arsenic, Mercury, Thallium


Gastrointestinal Tract:


Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; loss of appetite

Arsenic, Copper, Mercury, Thallium


Abdominal pain, stomach cramps; burning of the throat and mouth

Arsenic, Copper, Lead, Mercury, Thallium


Esophagitis; gastroenteritis; colitis

Arsenic, Mercury, Thallium


Cancers (colon, pancreatic, stomach, or rectal)



Renal and Hepatic Impairment:


Hepatotoxicity; Liver dysfunction, damage

Arsenic, Copper, Thallium


Cirrhosis of the liver; hepatitis



Kidney disease ; kidney failure

Arsenic, Lead, Mercury


Renal toxicity; tubular proteinosis

Arsenic, Copper, Lead


Kidney Damage, histological alterations

Arsenic, Lead


Cardiovascular System:


Blood vessel damage



Anemia; decreased red blood cell count

Arsenic, Copper, Lead


Hypertension; increased heart rate (tachycardia)

Arsenic, Copper, Lead, Thallium


Electrocardiac disorders


Peripheral vascular disease; cardiovascular disease; vascular collapse

Arsenic, Lead


Respiratory System:


Pulmonary Fibrosis

Aluminum, Arsenic


Pulmonary edema

X Metals


Pneumonia, laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis

Aluminum, Arsenic, Mercury


Restrictive airway disorders, asthmatic conditions, pneumoconisis

Arsenic, Aluminum


Respiratory tract cancers



Nasal ulcers, perforation of the nasal septum

X Metals


Immune System


Increased incidences of asthma, autoimmune-like symptoms, allergies & inhibition of lymphocytes, T-cells, monocytes

X metals





Decreased white blood cell count

Arsenic, Thallium


Reproductive System:


Genital abnormalities

Aluminum, Thallium


Disturbances in menstrual cycle; menstrual pains

Copper, Mercury


Birth defects; premature births; Spontaneous abortion

Arsenic, Lead, Mercury


Reproductive dysfunction

Arsenic, Aluminum, Cadmium, Lead


Psychiatric Disturbances:


Social Deficits, Social withdrawal



Repetitive, perseverative, stereotyped behaviors; OCD-typical behaviors



Depression, mood swings, flat affect; impaired facial recognition

Arsenic, Copper, Lead, Mercury


Schizoid tendencies; hallucinations; delirium



Irritability, aggressive behaviors, temper tantrums

Lead, Mercury


Suicidal Behaviors

Copper, Mercury


Sleep difficulties/ disturbances

Lead, Mercury, Thallium


Chronic fatigue (CFS); weakness, malaise

Aluminum, Arsenic, Cadmium, Copper, Lead, Mercury, Thallium


Anorexia; symptoms reflecting eating disorders, loss of appetite/weight

Arsenic, Lead, Mercury


Anxiety; nervous tendencies



Attentional problems (ADHD), lacks eye contact, impaired visual fixation

Lead, Mercury



Other Physical Disturbances:


Hypotonia or hypertonia; decreased muscular strength

X Metals


Rashes, contact dermatitis, eczema, itchy/irritating skin

Aluminum, Arsenic, Copper, Mercury


Muscle pain; headache; acrodynia; colic

Arsenic, Copper, Lead, Thallium


Alopecia (hair loss)









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