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various observations

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Hello everyone, I havent been here for a while. I have just read several of the topics and everything is as interesting as I remember. Some VERY wierd and interesting things have been happening with my son that I figured I would share and see if anyone had any comment.


My son is almost 9 and technically Dx with PDD NOS, Tourette and OCD. I say technically because to me those are just words describing a set of symptoms. I am still not sure what I think my son "has" or even if its an external problem, an internal or both. I do care about the symptoms though and eagerly try and treat them. I think I have accepted that you cannot FORCE anything away - you cant force a symptom to go away, your struggles against it create more problems.


Anyhow, a very brief background although I have written this before: son was always very sensory, rubbing, touching, pushing etc - that seemed to morph into actual tics or jerking, shoudlers up and down, etc, and a vocal around 5. I didnt notice this to be tics since he had always been SO physically squirmy and "touchy", until finally the jerking movements got so that I realized this is not just a sensory disorder. Anyway, he was Dx with TS when he was about 6. At that time the tics would wax and wane, when they were low they were just like very steady, rythmic movements, like a head bobbing or shoulder shrug with eye blinking. At their worst they were full body spasms every few seconds with severe neck jerking.


We tried Abilify and at first it seemed to really help! That lasted about 3 months, then a horrible, nightmare bad reaction happened and we took him off it ASAP. This was a year ago. after that we stuck to a natural diet, yeast free, began supplements. The tics exploded for a little while. We then started a pure magnesium regimen, added melatonin, taurine, a probiotic. Finally the tics began to wane about 3 weeks later. A week later all physical tics stopped. The only tic he has had since Feb. 7 is a total of 4 days of a "breathing", short of breath tic. This occured the first time after eating junk for one of the first times. Also, fish oil was added a week prior. Also, a month later the breathing tic was present the day he happened to eat movie theather popcorn.


My son continues to be sensory, overly touchy and rubbing, etc, and does hoot and holler quite a bit, but as for any of the physical tics, I have not seen but one in over 5 months. I find this odd, but then again i am no TS expert. I know the tics wax and wane. But this is a pretty long and clean waning. It's not like even the super mild tics are present. His OCD though lately i will say has been elevated.


I would give a limb to know why the tics have gone away so completely right now, we went to Dr Murphy and she didnt think he was pandas, though all she did was a throat swab. I wonder though because he does have that highly resitant staph infection in his nose which spreads now and then to cuts on his body. That they say it doesnt go away because the antibiotics dont kill it. I have no idea if that has to do with anything. There seem to be so many things I could point to.


I hope this was informative in some way.

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