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Hi Every one,


We have a 23 months old son, who appears to have autism. We just came to know about it last month. We have seen our paediatrician and neurologist. And they have confirmed the suspicion we had.


It's been heartbreaking, but we know we need to stand up and get him treated ASAP. We have been doing lot of research ourselves on the internet. We came across DAN protocol, which appears to be more promising (at least from what our paediatrician said). There are still lot of gray areas for us especially finding right DAN doctor.


We live in SF Bay Area. We would really appreciate if you could share your experience with the DAN doctors especially in bay area.


In fact, if you could share your success story with doctors any where in US, that would be great. As some parents know, there is nothing more important than getting our boys back, and for that if there is hope, going any where or relocating is not a deal for us.





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