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Hi All,


I just found this forum last night and I registered right away! My son, who is now almost 13, started ticking at the age of 7 after a month long bout of strep. He was on several different antibiotics during that month and it finally cleared. The month after, he started this hard/rapid eye blinking that I had never seen him do before. So, to make a long story short, his doctor referred us to a ped neurologist who diagnosed him with Tourette's with ADD. His tics are mild but it annoys him and I know that he's embarrassed. He stutters a lot now and it will take him a few times to get his words out. He's been on Strattera since he was 7. I've tried a few supplements but haven't really stuck to anything. I was reading about the Epsom Salts on this forum and never have heard of that before. We've never had him allergy tested either. Would his regular pediatrician order that test or do we need to see a ENT? I am willing to try anything!

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Hello & Welcome..

Personally ( I don't know if others will feel this way) I would go to a naturo-path Dr or DAN! bio-medical Dr and have him tested to see if he has food sensitivities or if there is some trigger for his tics & behavior issues.

My son was given about 15 different meds for anxiety by kaiser and he kept getting worse and it was only when I took him to a private Dr was it finally found that he has PANDAS! SO now my Dr's at Kaiser are listening instead of just prescribing meds. ALso I knew there had to be a reason for the change in my son and none of the Kaiser Dr seem too concerned about getting to the ROOT of why my son was having problems...

So I guess I would say if your looking for your pedi neuro to help..all they will do is prescribe more meds!(mine did)

The tests Kaiser ran on my son all said he was FINE..so when I paid for private testing..wow..alot of stuff came up! huge immune issues to name one..I guess the HMO"s do the cheapest test possible.

Good Luck, Sarah

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