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My daughter used to be the most horrible sleeper who would take more than 45 minutes to fall asleep and would wake in the night, etc. But since starting her supplement/dietary program, she has been a much improved sleeper. Lately, though, I find her sleep is not as good as it was, though certainly not back to the level before the supplements.


Currently she is on a mulitvitamin, Omega 3, mulit-enzyme, and taurine, with magnesium (Kids Calm) at night. It has been working very well for us. But now that I see little changes in the sleep, I wonder if I should tweak it. What supplement do you reccommend as most helpful to aid with seratonin/sleep patterns? Thanks,




Sam is also staying awake later than normal. Is your daughter getting plenty of exercise? Also, maybe an Epsom Salts bath would help before bed. But honestly, I work at a school and all the kids just seem more 'high energy' at the moment. I think it's just the arrival of spring, lighter evenings, and the end of the school year in sight! It may just be that - I think sometimes we are just extra aware around our kids and forget that other kids also just experience changes in their behavior patterns at times.


Just my opinion (didn't want to leave you reply-less!!)



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