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Son with Tourette's

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Wow! I just started reading the Tics and Tourette's book and was directed to this site and have been reading all afternoon! I have read through all the newbie info threads and so forth, but I am still so overwhelmed! But at the same time, I am very excited to have found this place and so much info that makes so much sense to me!


Here is where my story starts. I will try to summarize briefly. My son is 6 now, but at the age of 2, he developed what we called his "fake cough". It seemed to happen when he was excited (mostly before he spoke). We shrugged it off. Fast forward to age 5 and I took him for a check-up at the pediatrician. The dr. notices his "cough" and immediately labels it a tic. He briefly tells me about tics and I'm told to watch them. Over the next 3 days, my son has an explosion of every classic tic I have read about. After many months and much research, I decide he probably has TS. When he started school (right before age 6), his tics were worsened with stress. Between that and the fact that he was very bored and frustrated from not being challenged, I pulled him out and started homeschooling him. He recently saw a neuropsychologist who finally made the official diagnosis of TS.


As I started reading the book and these threads today, so many things made sense to me. The whole allergy thing just clicked! My youngest son (who is almost 2), was diagnosed with food allergies at 13 months. He is allergic to corn, eggs and soy. I am sure there are other things, but they wouldn't do a full screen on him at this age. We are constantly struggling with his terrible diarrhea reactions. On the other hand, my oldest has been pretty much constipated since birth! Besides the first 2 weeks that I had him on regular formula and he had diarrhea and bloody stools, they told me to switch him to soy and it has been constipation ever since! He was prescribed Miralax ( over a year ago) which I give him when I HAVE to (as I am not a big medicine person). But I have always felt like there was an underlying allergy thing going on there, but his Pediatrician blew me off. At the age of 1, he started having an itchy rectum and we couldn't get a diagnosis from the doctor for that one either. Now I am thinking the Candida overgrowth might be the problem there!


My questions are this: What is the difference between an Environmental Physician and a regular Allergist? I think at this point, we need to have him tested because I think there are definitely some allergies there. And if I wanted to start him on a Probiotic supplement, how much and how often do I give it? And are certain ones better than others?


Any more advice or thoughts would be appreciated. It has been so nice to read these post this afternoon and feel that I am not alone in this and that there may be hope in helping my son. He was crying this afternoon in frustration of his tics, and I just wanted to find a way to help him any way I can.

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Hi Laster, and welcome!


I recommend going with the Environmental doctor, as they will test for intolerences and delayed allergies, and be open to alternative treatments, including diet modification. An allergist ususally will not do any of that. I took my daughter to one, and all he could offer was a traditional scratch test that turned up nothing.


One thing really jumps out at me. You said you went to the doctor, s/he noticed the cough and labelled it as a tic, and then within three days, your son exploded into many different tics. Did anything take place at that appointment? It seems like such a weird coincidence to me. Did he receive any immunizations at that appointment? Medicines? Anything?



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Hi...hope we can all help!


I agree with Calicat...your son was 5 at this visit...did he have his kindergarten immunizations at this appointment? What about at age two when you first noticed the cough, was it after shots or illness? Get a copy of his immunization records sent to you and see if there is any correlation of tics and shots...you may be surprised at what you find...I know I was.

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Thanks for the repllies, guys!


Unfortunately, the closest Environmental Physician is over 200 miles from me! Guess we will have to figure out how to get him there for testing.


At his appointment at 5 years old, I think I had to end up taking him because of his constipation problem and that is the time he was prescribed the Miralax. I know he didn't get his shots at this one because his birthday falls late so he didn't need to get his

Kindergarten shots until last summer. SO the shot thing doesn't coordinate there. My husband always felt like it was the power of suggestion because the Dr. talked to me about all this right in front of him. His first new tic after that conversation sounded like he was whispering "tica". Then started eye blinking and nose twitching and so on.


As far as when it all started at the age of 2, I will definitely have to do some research on that. I remember specifically that I had his MMR delayed until he was older than the 18 month suggested age because I had done some reading on it and was paranoid to let him get it then. SO it very well COULD have been after he got the MMR. I'm sure they hate my kind out there at the Pediatrician's office. I had all my oldest son's shots delayed, and when my second came along, they bullied me into getting his "on time" because they told me I HAD TO. Even gave him a shot in the hospital that I never signed for which I am sure I could pursue if I wanted to. Anyway, my youngest hasn't been there since 9 months old when the Dr. prescribed something he wasn't supposed to have and he became lethargic and dehydrated with us ending up at Emergency care, but THAT is another story! Let's just say I have trust issues now!

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His cough tic started at 2 years old (in retrospect, he may have had others at this point that I didn't recognize), his other tics started after an appointement at age 5 (or maybe 2 months before his birthday) and the dr. talked about tics right in front of him. He got his Kindergarten shots at 5 years and 8 months because his birthday falls in November so he couldn't start school until nearly 6. DId I clear things up? :-)

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