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Well, yesterday was day 3 of antibiotics. He has done one day of Pen VK and 2 of Zithro. I am not sure how he would have done without them, but if he is PANDAS should they be gone by now? Is that expecting too much? I saw the same pattern last night as I did the day before. Pretty good all day. A few here and there, but all in all pretty minimal. Then around 5:30 they start too increase until by 7 the mouth opening is going strong. When the evening is just about done, they are costantly going 1-3 seconds apart. It looks exhausting to me. He also starts the ear poking and blowing and saying his ears are clogged. (Obviously it is ticcing, yet something may cause it in his ear) In the morning he takes a long epsom salt bath-he is on Spring Break so we can take the time. Could it be wearing off by evening? I thought maybe dinner, antibiotics or baseball provoked it the night before. But definately not last night. If PANDAS, how long will it take for antibiotics to help and would it clear it all or just some? I know I maybe expecting too much to have a clear answer on this. It will probably depend on the child, yet imput is helpful. Thanks.


Hi Bmom...I was just about to log off when I saw your post, so, I thought I'd take a minute to reply. No, there is no set time for the tics to be gone from antibiotics if you are dealing with PANDAS. Even at that, antibiotics do not always work in PANDAS situations anyway, just stay the course and try to be patient...this process takes time. I do know how you feel though, I was the same way at first. As far as the Zithromax wearing off by evening..no. It may be true for other antibiotics, (although not likely if you are sticking to regular dosing schedule), but Zithromax has a much longer half life than most antibiotics and stays in your system at theraputic levels for a much longer time period. I spoke to my pharmacist recently regarding Zithromax, and he stated it will stay in your system for 5 days after your last pill..that is why Zithromax is taken for shorter time periods than most antibiotics, and also why prophylactic use of Zithromax is only once every 5-7 days as opposed to Penicillin which is twice a day.

Like I said..there is no time frame..and also, antibiotics may or may not help, and then they may eliminate the tics or just reduce them, sometimes drastically, as I saw with my older son, my younger son was a more gradual improvement...it varies so very much. My sons, mainly my younger son, displayed the same waxing and waning as you described for a few weeks after treatment began..time will tell..try to be strong and take it day by day... I know it is hard.... Also, I feel like I should say, this is my opinion and experience with PANDAS...if you are checking that route first for your child..which I believe is a wise thing to do..then this is my suggestion and experience with this..as well as what has worked for us.

Take care and hang in there,



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