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Son just had tonsils and adnoids removed


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Our 11 year old son who started PANDAS symptoms 1 year ago just had his tonsils and adnoids removed last week. The Dr. said it was a wise move. We discovered the tonsils went far deeper than expected and his adnoids were causing 70% blockage. He is recovering now and I will let you know how it goes.


He started the blinking/neck tic last March and then it stopped about 3 months later for almost 3 months. It then started again a little less severe for another 2.5 months and stopped again. I noticed a few tics again in Dec thinking it would come on strong again but it never really did. For the last few months it's been rare enough not to be an issue. It was as if each reoccurance was diminishing in the tic frequency. We don't do anything other than multivitamins and we have given nistatin every once in a while. I can't say I can see a definite trigger for the onset.

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I have been wondering how you guys have been doing. Glad to hear from ya! I hope your son has a speedy recovery! My son also had his tonsils and adenoids removed this past November, after onset of Pandas tics and slight ADHD symptoms (only during episode). This was not done for the PANDAS, but because he had 100% blockage in his left nostril airway from his adenoid and huge tonsils. I am comfortable knowing he had this done because I know it will help him with future infections. My son did primarily the neck stretch and turn tic from start In Sept. until last month,( also some mouth opening and arm thrusting). Only twice did it get kinda bad and after we started antibiotics ASAP each time, they practically went away. They still continued after tonsil removal, but are now gone for the past 3 plus weeks, he is on Pen Vk daily. According to your post, you give him Nystatin sometimes. Does he have a Candida issue??



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