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I am new to this forum. My seven year old son has been showing signs of TS for the past six months with eye blinking, throat clearing and eye focusing. Sometimes he turns his head so that he can see better. His optometrist said that his vision is fine with his glasses (stigmitism) and that it's not related to that. She did not provide any further information. He is also showing signs of ADHD and explosiveness. I have been reading the discussions and am wondering if anyone has started their children on probiotics? If so, what are the results?


He has an appointment with a pediatric neurologist on April 1st. Hate to wait so long. Sounds like I should also be setting up an appt. with an allergist and get him tested for PANDAS. Is there a checklist anywhere for all of Dr's to visit and tests to be taken? I'm a little worried about the change in diet. He is a very picky eater. He has always been a little "different"...very artistic and intuitive. I'm in the dark here, any advice would help!!



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Welcome. I'm new too, and I've been dealing with this for six months as well. My naturopath has my son on Mindplex (probiotic mix) and Saccromyces Boulardi. I don't know what their effect has been as I started vitamins, probiotics, stress reduction, and dietary reform at the same time. On the bright side, something is working, as he is doing much better.


As far as doctors, if you can find an environmental doctor or naturopath, you may not need others, as this person can acquisition all of your testing. (An allergist, I don't believe, will order strep titers.) Read as much as you can on this site. These people are brilliant. They are parents, not doctors.


As far as the change in diet, I inflicted it on my whole family. (husband/five year old with mild tics/seven year old) My husband is a free agent at lunchtime. He just doesn't bring any of it around the house. I have found that solidarity is very important to the little one. I expected the worst and anticipated weeks of ######. It was really only about three days.


Surprisingly, after that our tastes started to recalibrate. If I taste the old commercial spag sauce I used to use, it triggers my gag reflex. I can actually taste the sugar in it, as if I added Sweet-n-Low or something. My kids get excited and say, "thank you" when they get pineapple yogurt or fruit for dessert. It used to take ice cream with multiple toppings.


Trust me when I say this, Solutions, your family's eating habits could not have been worse than ours when we started. We were what I call a "McFamily". I know this is easier if children are younger, and it was admittedly harder on my seven year old. How old is your child? And also, if I may ask, what is "eye focusing"?


It will get easier.



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