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The tests will no longer tell you what was going on at the time of onset because it was so long ago but some kids' titers remain high for some reason and it could still be beneficial to see where your child is now.


I believe the strep you have is strep B and many women (people) carry it and antibiotics during delivery help to not pass it on during labor (can turn into meningitis I believe).




From the link above it seems that if there weren't problems at birth you probably didn't pass it on.


There are kids who have continually high strep titers despite antibiotic treatment and I believe someone here stated once that the doc who is featured in one of the articles on the home page believes those kids could have strep in their intestines - I would imagine that could be strep B per the article above - but I really have no other knowledge of it.


Faith, I forgot to reply to you. The oppositional behavior for us was very obvious and strong. Like a very strong willed defiant child. The screaming was as Tracie described, unstopable and not able to be comforted or controlled. We thought it was night terrors or something. I believe now it was strep and I am so painfully sorry we didn't take her to the doc.


Your son sounds like our daughter now which I would consider pretty normal for any kid, especially a smart 8 year old. Yours doesn't sound necessarily like ocd. We let our daughter sleep with us most of the time. It is just easier than her coming in in the middle of the night and disrupting everyone and besides I really like snuggling with her and listening to her breathe.

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