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I took my son off Red Dye 40 and any yellow die, and MSG

how long should it take before i see any improvement??

his ticks have not let up at all and it has been a week

should i wait long longer or should i have seen some improvements already??

Thanks once again



well i was just reading and found out tartrazine is yellow dye!!!!

so this may be why i have not saw a improvement!

oh wow i really need to know what i am doing!tartrazine is in EVERYTHING!

well i was just reading and found out tartrazine is yellow dye!!!!

so this may be why i have not saw a improvement!

oh wow i really need to know what i am doing!tartrazine is in EVERYTHING!



Hi. I just wanted to say that every kid is different. The fact that one kid reacts to red dye, etc., does not mean yours will, or that eliminating these things will help. There are many reasons for tics, your child may not have sensitivities or allergies. Did you get him checked? Especially if your childs behavior is PANDAS related, most likely infection (and remaining high antibody levels), is causing the problem and diet changes, although I agree it can't hurt, may not help at all. Did you have blood work done to check for antibody levels? Is he currently taking an antibiotic?

Take care!


well i was just reading and found out tartrazine is yellow dye!!!!

so this may be why i have not saw a improvement!

oh wow i really need to know what i am doing!tartrazine is in EVERYTHING!



Hi. I just wanted to say that every kid is different. The fact that one kid reacts to red dye, etc., does not mean yours will, or that eliminating these things will help. There are many reasons for tics, your child may not have sensitivities or allergies. Did you get him checked? Especially if your childs behavior is PANDAS related, most likely infection (and remaining high antibody levels), is causing the problem and diet changes, although I agree it can't hurt, may not help at all. Did you have blood work done to check for antibody levels? Is he currently taking an antibiotic?

Take care!




I have not had any blood test done as of yet i have a doctors Appointment next week to talk and tell him what i want done

no he is not taking antibiotics right now

ok i have another question!??

can a child with PANDAS be feeling fine and still have a infection!

i tell ya i am so overwhelmed with all the different things!

i just thought i would try the basic things right now by taking things away

thanks again!

i think i should change my name to CONFUSED MOM!



My Pandas son never feels sick - and does not show the normal symptoms of illness - my other kids will have fevers/headaches/need to rest/ etc- he feels fine- just has increased tics. It makes it hard to have him rest as he does not feel a need to rest.

well i was just reading and found out tartrazine is yellow dye!!!!

so this may be why i have not saw a improvement!

oh wow i really need to know what i am doing!tartrazine is in EVERYTHING!



Hi. I just wanted to say that every kid is different. The fact that one kid reacts to red dye, etc., does not mean yours will, or that eliminating these things will help. There are many reasons for tics, your child may not have sensitivities or allergies. Did you get him checked? Especially if your childs behavior is PANDAS related, most likely infection (and remaining high antibody levels), is causing the problem and diet changes, although I agree it can't hurt, may not help at all. Did you have blood work done to check for antibody levels? Is he currently taking an antibiotic?

Take care!




I have not had any blood test done as of yet i have a doctors Appointment next week to talk and tell him what i want done

no he is not taking antibiotics right now

ok i have another question!??

can a child with PANDAS be feeling fine and still have a infection!

i tell ya i am so overwhelmed with all the different things!

i just thought i would try the basic things right now by taking things away

thanks again!

i think i should change my name to CONFUSED MOM!





I know how you feel. All this info. is so overwhelming, you can stuck in this.. "oh, I need to do this.. eliminate that, etc", and it can do more harm than good if you stress yourself out over it and try to do everything at once. If you want to do the elimination thing, start WITH ONE THING at a time... wait a week or so and see what happens. The fact that you eliminated red dye 40, yellow dyes, and MSG at once.. well.. how will you know which one is causing a problem if you see an improvement? ^_^ YES!! It is classic for PANDAS kids to appear perfectly healthy and still have an infection. My son showed absolutely no signs of Strep when he first got it at 3!! He also is the one in the family who always "seems" to be the healthiest and doesn't show signs of sickness much.. The rest of us will be so sick, and he will show a little sniffle. Just something to think about! (as though you don't have enough to think about already). If I were you, just to be sure, get ASO titer, ANTIDNAase B titer, and Mycoplasma titer drawn. Also, if possible, see if your child improves when on antibiotic. One question.. did your child develope these behaviors rather suddenly?




did your child develope these behaviors rather suddenly?


well yes he did it was last spring where i really noticed them we were alking to the store it was a beautiful day out and a walk that usually takes 5 mins turned into 30 there and back , he was walking and stopping with every other step clenching his fist and rolling his toes (found this out when we were home with no shoes one) but he would stop dead even if it was in the middle of the road. about a month or so before this episode i noticed him squinting his eyes while watching tv but his eyes are fine had them checked.

through the summer they were not near as bad as now.


did your child develope these behaviors rather suddenly?


well yes he did it was last spring where i really noticed them we were alking to the store it was a beautiful day out and a walk that usually takes 5 mins turned into 30 there and back , he was walking and stopping with every other step clenching his fist and rolling his toes (found this out when we were home with no shoes one) but he would stop dead even if it was in the middle of the road. about a month or so before this episode i noticed him squinting his eyes while watching tv but his eyes are fine had them checked.

through the summer they were not near as bad as now.




Less infections/illness in the summer. Check the PANDAS route just to be sure you know exactly what you are dealing with. If not,

well, then atleast you know. PANDAS kids will have more tics/ocd/other behaviors associated with illness, infections, shots, etc.


Take care.



hi anna1970 -


Just wanted to say hi and offer some support. Im fairly new here too and also fele overwhelmed and confused, but it gets better. First, there is a LOT of info here! I started by copying and pasting into Word bits and peices that sounded informative etc so i wouldnt have to remember everything everyone was talking about. I made a list of my sons symptoms and got a little journal to daily track the tics and other behaviors so i would have a record. I started with something simple, cleaning up the diet. It is true you should do one thing at a time, but i cleaned it all up, nothing that is not bought at the health food store with NO preservatives, colors, flavors, additives. He even only drinks bottled water now. Anyhow i did that, although i have not yet go on to remove wheat or eggs or things like that. Next i bought the best natural multi vitamin i could find and a magnesium supplement. I should have tried those one at a time but i didnt. anyhow, we are now ready with doctors appointments to explore everything - PANDAS< diet, allergies, environmental offenses, and so on. I got myself SO worked up reading and reading about everything! I was able to slow down a little when i found some doctors and made appointments. i was driving myself crazy. Im not sure where you live but have you thought about finding a doctor for these things? We are going to see a psychiatrist in Florida (where we are), not for meds but to investigate his symptoms and see if there are any other diagnoses. She will also do "Pandas" testing. Next we are going to a "DAN" doctor, the kind that test for all kidns of things outside the range of what a typical medical doctor would, to look for alllergies and other biological things that may be affecting him and we dont know it. This is calle da biomedical approach. Just making those appointments has calmed me down as i dont have to figure it all out alone. When i read through the forum now, i write down any questions that come up as i read and copy and paste anything i want to remember. So far my sons tics seem to be so up and down its hard to tell what affects them. He has had lots of tics the past 3 days and i dont know why. anyhow, try and stay calm as it will only help and remember there is time, you have time to research and understand all this, take your time, ask questions, it is so easy to get confused. Feel free to message me if i can help!


Hi Ann, With regard to your question about How long..., I would say it can take anywhere from 1 week to 4 weeks. In our case, we saw very rapid results... dramatic reduction in tics within 1-2 weeks. However, I've heard of several familes for whom it has taken several weeks..; in fact, for some, symptoms got worse before getting better! If you've only been at it for one week, and since you're still finding that he's been ingesting some colors, I would say keep trying for at least a couple more weeks. And keep a daily diary of things that he has eaten and his tic levels. That diary can be very helpful in identifying patterns / triggers.


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