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Need help in understanding these symptoms

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Hi everyone! 

A quick background: It all started almost an year ago when his Tics became too much and we saw some anger and mood issues as well. 
He was given a diagnosis of Tourette Syndrome. We were trying to deal with Tics with supplements and Diet changes but suddenly after a Strep Throat we were back to where we were an year ago. 

This got us thinking if we could be dealing with Pandas/Pans. Unfortunately we have no Pandas doctors here in Austria. 
I am trying to get some help from my general physician with the tests etc., 

In the mean time, thought I should check in this forum if anyone experienced similar symptoms like us:

  • We are currently dealing mainly with Very strange Postures while sitting and reading books (This had got better till Strep hit us again).
  • Strange ways of breathing - as if he is struggling to gasp a breath and then pushes out the air forcibly (something like that, cant really put it in the words i know!) 
  • Slurred speech, which comes and goes every now and then. We noticed that it just gets worse in the evening and before sleep is at its worse. 

Apart from all these he has Tics like nose scrunching and facial tics, shoulder shrugs, sudden jerking of legs and the whole lower body etc.. 

I know that this Forum has most knowlegeable and experienced parents and would grately appreciate any responses. 

Thanks ín advance and happy healing you all! 💓




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Try using the search box in the upper right corner of this page and search on slurred speech, then search on posture, then breathing difficulties. Make sure to search "This forum" or "everywhere." A lot pops up.

Have you tried ibuprofen to help with inflammation? Usually that helps a lot with PANS/PANDAS.

If it is strep, try to stay on azithromycin or Augmentin as long as possible! 

Send your doctor to the The PANDAS Physicians Networkhttps://www.pandasppn.org/


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