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Hi guys.I`ve been having a problem lately involving my eyes.It`s an obsession that hit me about 8 months ago and it has only gotten worse.I have a problem moving them freely to look at things and i cause a lot of pain at doing so.The thing is,i think by moving them,i`m causing them to `misalign` as in not look at at the same place with both eyes.However,this doesnt seem to be the case.I`ve been to eye doctors(they all told me that there`s nothing wrong with them),i`ve asked friends if one eye is looking away when i talk to them and they said they`re fine.I`ve asked family,same thing.Anyone have experience on this?can anyone help me?it like,when i think of my obsession(which is always)i have problems moving my eyes freely,which causes a lot of pain and me thinking i`ve messed with the alignment(there are people who are born with dysfunctional eyes as in not looking at the same spot which causes double vision.i do not have this symptom).


I`ve had obsessions before.i`ve had 3 big ones which consumed alot of my time,but the one i have now is the worst one.i`ll list them:

1.For about 6 months i was obsessing over why people commit suicide,i was questioning the meaning of life.It made me depressed for a long time and i think i was suicidal for a while too.

2.My nose.I kept thinking it was broken when it wasn`t.

3.My eyes.I keep thinking they are ``funny``,which makes me think people are looking at them when i socialize.I even see them misaligned in the mirror.But when i ask people,they say they`re fine.I`ve been to eye doctors(3 of them)they all said they were fine.

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