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Hi everyone!

New here. :-) I was watching a talk on youtube given by Dr. Trifiletti and I wanted to ask about your experiences. He says that kids age two or under tend to develop something that looks like autism, at age 3-4 onset kids develop something called "infantile mania" and then tend to develop something that looks like high-function autism, and in older kids tics and OCD tend to dominate. 

When I looked up infantile mania, it came from an old book and it said "Acute maniacal attacks, in which the patient tears and destroys everything within reach, or creeps under tables and sofas to hide, screamin with undisguised rate and biting and scratching anyone who approaches.  This attack subsides and the boy behaves as nicely and as intelligently as possible, but in a few days has a recurrence as great as before."

Is this consistent with your experiences with your kids?  Have you ever visited Dr. Trifiletti and has he talked about this? If you have a kid that got PANS/PANDAS at age two or under, does it look like autism?


Hi Clementine,

That was not our experience. DS's onset was at age 4 (diagnosed 7). His main symptom, originally, was extreme separation anxiety. In retrospect there were other symptoms present such as movement issues, possible OCD (difficult to assess in a 4 year old), ADHD symptoms, depressed mood, retreating, sleep issues, etc. I wonder how much is dependent on original trigger (in our case Lyme & co) or if that has on effect on symptoms.

I'm curious what other people's experiences are....



Our child's onset was severe OCD at age 6.  But I can understand that in a 2-year old, OCD (or other PANS symptoms) don't look the same as they do in older kids.  I would tend to trust Dr. T's assessment - he has had well over 3,000 cases.

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